Hello chaps!I'm not dead, not dating anyone, I'm just doing this course from hell. It's about Voice over IP (VoIP, internet telephony) to provide tech support for "Vonage" customers (
www.vonage.com). You really don't want to know. The thing is wonderful when it works, but a nightmare to fix when it doesn't, especially if the customer has a complicated network setting which wasn't working well in the first place.
I have been reading your postings as often as possible, but I really haven't got the time to "muck in", although I'd love to, believe me!!Fishface, Auntieapple, nikad & Grazie, I really appreciate the undeserved attention I get from all of you. We MUST get together when Auntie gets back from Mother England. That is, provided she arrives at Ezeiza with my Barbour Jacket, Mars Bars, Raleigh Metro Gents bicycle, and Barbour hunting gloves. Otherwise, I'll call the whole thing off!!

))Cheers mates!!!Big hugErnie