Calling all Festive Hashers,
Give your turkey a good stuffing, polish your ballballs, lay a log by the fire and clean your sack - its almost Christmas and the Xmas Hash is here!!!!!!!!!! Get ready for a fat old man to break into your house and sneak into your bedroom saying he wants to give you one.
Date - Sunday 19th December
Time 4.00pm - prompt run at 4.30
Venue - San Isidro, Jose Penna 1028
Bring: mug, plate, knife, fork, Christmas hat or clothing
Cost: $25
Extra News: the new official 2011 Hash t-shirt will be available for the first time on Sunday!!!!!!!!!
From Retiro on Mitre line towards Tigre.
Get off at San Isidro, cross tracks and head up Calle Belgrano. After 3 blocks at the mastil fork off left, on 9 de Julio, walking 4 blocks and crossing 25 de Mayo until you come to Plaza in front of cathedral. Cross plaza and down hill to calle Lasalle. Turn left, 1 1/2 blocks to Primera Junta, turn right and cross Tren de la Costa tracks. Three blocks to Caseros. Turn left, 3 block to Jose Penna, right half block, house on left.
From Centro head up Libertador for northern suburbs. Through Olivos, Martinez, Acasuso, to San Isidro. Pass cathderal and plaza on your right. Two more blocks to T juntion on Primera Junta, turn right, cross rail tracks. Three blocks to Caseros. Turn left, 3 block to Jose Penna, right half block, house on left.
Any further information required, PM me....
Give your turkey a good stuffing, polish your ballballs, lay a log by the fire and clean your sack - its almost Christmas and the Xmas Hash is here!!!!!!!!!! Get ready for a fat old man to break into your house and sneak into your bedroom saying he wants to give you one.
Date - Sunday 19th December
Time 4.00pm - prompt run at 4.30
Venue - San Isidro, Jose Penna 1028
Bring: mug, plate, knife, fork, Christmas hat or clothing
Cost: $25
Extra News: the new official 2011 Hash t-shirt will be available for the first time on Sunday!!!!!!!!!
From Retiro on Mitre line towards Tigre.
Get off at San Isidro, cross tracks and head up Calle Belgrano. After 3 blocks at the mastil fork off left, on 9 de Julio, walking 4 blocks and crossing 25 de Mayo until you come to Plaza in front of cathedral. Cross plaza and down hill to calle Lasalle. Turn left, 1 1/2 blocks to Primera Junta, turn right and cross Tren de la Costa tracks. Three blocks to Caseros. Turn left, 3 block to Jose Penna, right half block, house on left.
From Centro head up Libertador for northern suburbs. Through Olivos, Martinez, Acasuso, to San Isidro. Pass cathderal and plaza on your right. Two more blocks to T juntion on Primera Junta, turn right, cross rail tracks. Three blocks to Caseros. Turn left, 3 block to Jose Penna, right half block, house on left.
Any further information required, PM me....