Recent experiences flying into EZE?


Sep 20, 2018
I have a flight booked from Lima for this Sunday. I went and got a PCR test today, but they told me the results would actually be ready today! And not tomorrow. The issue is Argentina apparently requires test results no farther out than 72 hours of arrival.

Should I redo this painful and expensive test again on Saturday?
I don't think it will matter as PCR only applies to travellers coming from Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Chile
Where does it say the PCR test only applies to travelers from those countries?
Hey Fiscal don't bother. Legally, the PCR applies only for travelers (and technically only for residents/citizens of those countries, not even Argentines residents/citizens) from Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Chile. Unless something changes over the weekend that PCR is useless. You can still present it if you wish.
Hey Fiscal don't bother. Legally, the PCR applies only for travelers (and technically only for residents/citizens of those countries, not even Argentines residents/citizens) from Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Chile. Unless something changes over the weekend that PCR is useless. You can still present it if you wish.

ugh omg. I spent $100 and my nose still hurts like hell.
At least now you know, though!
Was the test supposed to tell you if you have antibodies to or indicate if you currently are infected?
Saw some places that do the tests in BA and it's not clear to me if they are separate or not.
Also can anyone recommend a place for antibody test in BA?
I think you only need the test to avoid the quarantine if you're coming from neighboring countries for tourism reasons.

Other than that you are still required to do 14 days lockup (no one checks)
ugh omg. I spent $100 and my nose still hurts like hell.
Also for next time — it doesn’t matter when you get your results. What matters is what day of the sample was taken. Which will be indicated on the certificate of results. So you should have never done the test before Thursday (today) in the first place. Not to sound mean but next time do your research first.
Wait, doesn't this still say I need a COVID test?

ARTÍCULO 7°.- Quienes ingresen al país al amparo de la presente deberán cumplimentar la declaración jurada prevista por la Disposición de la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES Nº 3025/20, de conformidad con los términos establecidos en los “REQUISITOS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS SANITARIOS PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA DECLARACIÓN JURADA ELECTRÓNICA APROBADA POR DISPOSICIÓN DNM N° 3025/2020 PARA EL INGRESO A LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA” aprobados por la Resolución del MINISTERIO DE SALUD N° 1472/20 y la restante normativa que al efecto establezcan las autoridades sanitaria y migratoria nacionales, quienes deberán incluir la constancia de PCR -con un máximo de SETENTA Y DOS (72) horas de anticipación- y de un seguro de asistencia médica que comprenda prestaciones de internación y aislamiento por COVID-19.