Reminder : March 24 is a National day here

steveinbsas said:
Can't you just shop the day before?

yes interesting idea :eek: but as the day before is not a public holiday, my kids will be in school and won't be able to go shopping...
In Memoriam : Alice Domon & Leonie Duquet, two nuns aged 70s.

Tortured by Alfredo Astiz who immersed them in water, and applied electrifying cattle prods to their breast and inside their genitals & mouths.

Nothing more to say, I am not that religious even if I spent 12 years in a catholic school but I might go to the church on the 24th.

Pictured : Léonie Duquet (1916 Longemaison France-1977 ESMA Buenos Aires Argentina with electricity running through her breasts down to her genitals and up to her mouth)
30.000 people died. Actually, they were killed by a fascist military regime that took over the goverment on a March 24th.
Those are facts.
The rest... I won't enter in the confrontation as people usually is not very informed and like to being told by the mainstream media of what happened. Turns out that media is owned by the same people that favored the coup d'etat.
I know that I will bashed now, it is endless...

over and out :)
This is a public holiday related to an era that most Argentines would rather forget.
Same ole story, SaraSara had it right, she never said the military did nothing wrong and they were nice people, what she said and what most people here in argentina likes to overlook or fails to remember is the fact that the guerrillas here were as viscious if not more than the military that defeated them using their exact same methods and this is precisely why this wound in our history never heals. They persecuted and put in jail to most responsible on the military side (and trashed and eventually destroyed our entire military, all branches to the point that now adays we virtually have none) but on the guerrilla side far from persecuting them they glorified them and they are now running our f*** up government (they still use some of their bullying methods). The day both parties are judged equally for their crimes, that day we will be able to move on as a society (but never forget, just move on as chile, uruguay and many other countries all over the world did..that´s right, including germany). Whenever someone brings this up almost immediately they will be accused of being nazi (again with those crazy oppressing methods).