Renewing an expired Argentine passport.


Feb 21, 2011
Hi, I've recently arrive in Buenos Aires from the UK. I was born here but left when I was about two years old, twenty years ago. I have an old argentine passport as well as a current British passport, and I would like to renew my argentine one. Does anyone know where I would go to do this, and what the process involves? Is it very long and complicated?

The reason I want my argentine passport is that I'll be staying here for a while and am looking for work here. Thanks.
You need to go to Azopardo 620 in order to renew your passport. I suggest you to visit the website (google pasaporte policia federal argentina) to know what do you need to bring to the office. The place is very crowded and they are open up to 4pm, so when I go, I walk in around 2:30pm, so the line is not so long. It usually takes a couple of months to get your passport done. You might try to call over the phone, or walk in to Azopardo 620 to be sure you have all the paperwork needed before going through the waiting line.

In my personal point of view, in order to apply for a work here, you need a DNI. RENAPER (Registro Nacional de las Personas) is in charge of it. Again, when you google DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) you will have several options. I know that residents in argentina have to bring a proof of address like a bill under their name.

Also, fyi, last year it was launched a new DNI, composed of a booklet and a card, with a huge publicity in the news. They have an office at Avenida Paseo Colon 1093, where they only let you get in if you made a phone appointment previously. If you go to Paseo Colon, you get the DNI delivered to your home in a couple of days. If you are in Capital Federal, based in your zip code you can go to the CGP (Centro de Gestion y Participacion) that belongs to your address. Again, you go to the CGP with a phone appointment. Going to the CGP you will get the DNI delivered to your home in a couple of months.

p/s: Today it was posted in another thread of this site that the new DNI applies only to those citizens that have an old one.
Thanks a lot Roxana for the info. So to work I need to get a DNI, and to get a DNI I should get my passport first?
gabfynn said:
Thanks a lot Roxana for the info. So to work I need to get a DNI, and to get a DNI I should get my passport first?

You don't need a new (or renewed) Argentine passport to get a new DNI or to work in Argentina, but if you stay long enough you will need a valid Argentine passport to leave the country. Just go to the comuna in your neighborhood and ask them or contact RENAPER (aka the "registro").

Here are the requisites for the passport:

Qué documentación se debe presentar. Requisitos
Requisitos generales:
1.- Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) o Libreta Cívica (LC) o Libreta de Enrolamiento (LE), en perfecto estado de conservación, sin tachaduras ni enmiendas (Ley 17.671 y sus modificaciones).
2.- Partida, Acta o Certificado de Nacimiento (no es necesario tener actualizada dicha partida) o, supletoriamente, Libreta de Matrimonio de progenitores donde conste el nacimiento.
3.- Documento que acredite estado civil actual.
-Casado:Libreta o Certificado de Matrimonio.
-Viudo: Certificado de Defunción o en su defecto, Libreta de Matrimonio con la anotación de la defunción.
-Separado: Certificado de Matrimonio con la anotación marginal de separación personal o en su defecto, testimonio de la sentencia separación personal.
-Divorciado: Certificado de Matrimonio con la anotación marginal de divorcio vincular o en su defecto, testimonio de la sentencia de divorcio vincular.
RECUERDE: el estado civil soltero no debe acreditarse.
4.- Formulario de Solicitud de Pasaporte/Cédula/Certificados. Puede obtenerlo en:
- Las delegaciones de Policía Federal.
- Formulario de Pasaporte


Deberá cumplimentar los requisitos generales, exceptuando la partida o certificado de nacimiento. En caso de poseer Pasaporte anterior, deberá presentarlo, o en su defecto, tendrá que declarar la circunstancia del extravío en el formulario solicitud.

You need to show a DNI to be able to legally work in Argentina. Your outdated DNI probably will be alright.

As in most countries, most of the argentinians do not have a passport. And it is not a previous requeriment to obtain a DNI to have first a passport.

The requirements to renew your DNI are:

- Your old DNI.

- Pay $ 35

- If the address written in your old DNI is diferent to your current address, you need to show a Certificado de Domicilio, given by the autoridad competente (I dont know exactly what does it mean, I guess given by Policia Federal) or you also may show a bill that shows your current address like the electricity, gas, phone or credit card statement. Be aware that in the Provincia de Buenos Aires the proof of address is given by the Registros Civiles.

In the case you ask for a change of address in your DNI, you need to pay an additional of $10.
I don't have an outdated DNI though just an outdated passport, and have no idea what happened to my birth certificate.
I think you need to contact ANSES to know if you are able to legally work here showing your passport to your employer. (I can make the phone call for you tomorrow)

As you dont have any DNI, you do need your birth certificate. Yes or yes, in order to get your first DNI.

Do you have some information about your birth certificate? I remember that many years ago there were agents (gestores) that would go to the archives of the registry to get your certificate and ask you to pay a fee for it. You had the chance to go by your own, but it was a hassle. I dont know exactly how is the process rightnow, but it is easy to find out about it, dont worry.
To be accurate, you need your DNI in order to be able to get your CUIL (tax identification) through the AFIP (Tax office). When you get a job, your employer will ask for a copy of your CUIL, for tax purposes.

To be realistic, there are few jobs in the black market that doesnt require to have a CUIL. It depends on where do you want to apply, your field of expertise, your experience.