Renovated PH for Sale

Can you provide more information like the address, rooms, what floor, is there a balcony, more photos? I am more than a little interested but a main factor will be the price.
sorry about that, i have updated the blog. i can email more photos if you are interested, and you are more than welcome to pass through for a tour
Where abouts is it located, nearer to Cordoba or Corrientes? I'm always interested in Villa Crespo, but more interested in the part around Thames / Jufre / Castillo.
closer to corrientes. 3 arroyos al 500. for reference, I left here the other night after work and walked to ocho7ocho (thames 878) for a drink. It took me 13 minutes.
How many sq meters? How many bedrooms? Is this the area of Villa Crespo that sometimes floods?
i've been told the whole city floods if it gets bad enough. the place is 4 meters off the street and the drainage is much better here than it is between corrientes and cordoba. I've been working at the site for 2 months and it has rained heavily a few times - no accumulation of water. if this unit floods, most of the city will be underwater.

please click on the link below for the blog with more information:

Buenos Aires House for Sale
jdgabb6d said:
closer to corrientes. 3 arroyos al 500. for reference, I left here the other night after work and walked to ocho7ocho (thames 878) for a drink. It took me 13 minutes.
How tall are you?

Would you consider yourself a fast walker? Medium? Or slow?

Where you wearing rubber soled shoes? Or were they more of a smooth leather surface?

What was the traffic like?

A serious question:

I've always thought that "PH" in housing advertisements stood for "pent house". Clearly, it doesn't here. What does "PH" represent?
Napoleon said:
How tall are you?

Would you consider yourself a fast walker? Medium? Or slow?

Where you wearing rubber soled shoes? Or were they more of a smooth leather surface?

What was the traffic like?


I would like to know how long it took to get back? (with some alcohol in the system)