Can you provide more information like the address, rooms, what floor, is there a balcony, more photos? I am more than a little interested but a main factor will be the price.
Where abouts is it located, nearer to Cordoba or Corrientes? I'm always interested in Villa Crespo, but more interested in the part around Thames / Jufre / Castillo.
closer to corrientes. 3 arroyos al 500. for reference, I left here the other night after work and walked to ocho7ocho (thames 878) for a drink. It took me 13 minutes.
i've been told the whole city floods if it gets bad enough. the place is 4 meters off the street and the drainage is much better here than it is between corrientes and cordoba. I've been working at the site for 2 months and it has rained heavily a few times - no accumulation of water. if this unit floods, most of the city will be underwater.
please click on the link below for the blog with more information:
closer to corrientes. 3 arroyos al 500. for reference, I left here the other night after work and walked to ocho7ocho (thames 878) for a drink. It took me 13 minutes.