Returning visitor questions.....


Mar 21, 2011
Hi! I'll be returning to BsAs for two months beginning in August. It has been two years since my last visit, so I am wondering about the impact of inflation.

Since I'll be going out to neighborhood restaurants quite a bit, what should I be expecting to pay for lunch at places such as L'Ecole on Junin or Melo on Pacheco de Melo?

Taxis? It had been running me about U$S3 to 3.50 for average rides...have the increased dramatically?

Finally, markets (like Disco) ... have prices increased dramatically?

Thank you for any input, as I'm trying to estimate my cash needs while there.
Prices are considerably more than 2 years ago. At least 50% higher for most things I'd guess.

I don't know your restaurants, but mid range restaurants are running us about $50 (US) for 2 with average wine, high end restaurants $100. I'd say it was half that or less 2 years ago.

An average taxi ride is $5-6 now, but what's average? We paid 35 pesos from Palermo Hollywoos to the market in Cabillito today, it was much cheaper 2 years ago.
I think restaurants are where inflation is most visible (at least for me, since I go to the same places often and can watch the prices rise.) If it's been 2 years, I would add at least 30% onto any former restaurant numbers (for example, the salad I ordered at Miranda in 2009 for $34 is now over $50 and my formerly $47 salmon at Petanque is now $62.) Lunch-wise, the salad that used to be $13 pesos at Lo Nuestro is now $20, and Tea Connection salads/sandwiches are $34 and up.

Grocery-wise... at Hausbrot, the bread that was $8-9 in 2009 is now $14-16. Not sure what you buy at Disco (I avoid it like the plague), but you can probably add 2-4 pesos onto most 2009 prices.

Taxis... obviously depends on where you're going. The cheapest we've had lately was $15 (from Barrio Norte to Congreso), and $24-30 from San Telmo or Palermo Hollywood.

Verdulerias are still cheap :)
The Atlas movie theater at Patio Bullrich charges $33.00 for a ticket, everyday except on Wednesday when it's only $26.00. (what inflation?) There are no discounts; everyone between 6 and 106 pays these prices. I went on bargain day. The film, instead of being in Color or black and white was in brown and tan. I kept falling asleep. I guess you get what you pay for.
fred mertz said:
The film, instead of being in Color or black and white was in brown and tan.

Patio Bulrich is definitely a perfect place for a frugal moviegoer. I guess on regular days they show the same movies in double color, double brightness, double saturation.
most stuff has increased by between 50 and 100% in the last 2 years.. there are exceptions of course, i noticed that restaurants, supermarkets like disco, meat, and dairy products have gone up heaps, while fresh fruit and veges from the local shops havent seem to gone up as much..

as for taxis, i would say doubled in the last 2 years... i dont take them often anymore, so its always a few months between rides, and it always seems to have increased heaps..
Thank you all for your input. I will be planning accordingly! Wow! I'm glad there isn't any inflation going on. :)