Roger Waters Tix for Sale


Jul 13, 2005
My boyfriend bought some tix to Roger Waters awhile ago, but in the end we are going to be in Canada. The show is on Saturday March 17th.
If anyone is interested in the tix, please get in touch with me. He has 2 tix for the Campo and would like $150 per ticket (300 pesos together). He may be willing to negotiate the price.
Please private message me if you're interested and I'll send you contact details!
are you sure the date is March 17? The shows here are on 7 (weds), 9(fri), and 12 (mon)
If you look at the date of the post, you'll see that was for the last show in 2007!
hahaa! that's what happens when you search for "roger waters" and don't pay attention to pesky details like dates!

There are also still Platea Alta tickets available for Monday March 12 at River Stadium. 250 pesos.
are you sure? i just looked a little bit ago on LivePass and all was sold out except a few in the $450 range. are you using LIvepass as well?
No, not sure, I just like to throw misleading posts online.
I went to River Stadium and bought the ticket at 1pm. I have found doing things in person works a lot better here than doing things online.
If anyone has 2 tickets to give up for the upcoming shows, please PM me. Looking to buy at cost. Thanks!