Running Club?

I am new to BA and would love to join a running group if you are still meeting... Just tell me where and when and I am there!
We haven't started anything yet (that I know of). I'm currently training for the October 9th Buenos Aires marathon so my Saturday runs are between 12-22 miles and during the week I do sprints, tempo runs, or easy runs (3-10 miles). I definitely wouldn't mind having someone to run with, so if you (or anyone) want to meet up early Monday, Wednesday, or Friday mornings, pm me. or if you want to do the long run (I start in Palermo and run to reserve and around and back), let me know. Maybe this running group will finally materialize.
I know a few of you mentioned training for the half. I think our weekday trainings could be similar, so let me know if you run early monday or Wednesday mornings.
I'm TOTALLY in for a run! I already have a running team, but running is never too much, so I'm up for it as much as my legs will allow me to d:
I'm training for the half marathon next September 11th, if anyone is up for it too, let me know!! :)
Hey guys! By any chance, is anyone running the half marathon this Sunday? :) I'm gonna be there in case anyone wants to jog it, or run some part of it! :)
I was wondering if there are any new runners around to join. I dont run, but i am willing to start. Unfortunately, at the moment I dont have time during the week, but on weekends.
let me know.