Russia Today: Brazilian Invasion of Venezuela a “Very Serious” Threat


Mar 24, 2012

I guess the Russian propaganda machine spares no one.

Just as a reminder of what the future Defense Minister of Brazil said about the subject:

"It's not a matter of agreeing. It's written (in the Constitution) that we don't interfere in other countries' domestic affairs. It's not about agreeing, this is a democratic country and the principle is in our Constitution. It's a position Brazil holds with other countries in the world, of not interfering in other countries' domestic affairs."
This is a distinct possibility that Brazil will invade Venezuela as the elites want to control Venezuelas resources and with Brazils support they can do this.
Brazil does not have the resources for a war and occupation of a country. They can barely occupy and control their own country.
Brazil does not have the resources for a war and occupation of a country. They can barely occupy and control their own country.

Argentina went to war with the United Kingdom when its economy was in ruins . Brazil has definetely the military resources and manpower to be able to invade Venezuela with the assistance of the USA