Russian travel visa for US citizen


May 15, 2017
Does anyone know how long it takes to get a Russian travel visa for a US citizen through the Russian Federation Embassy in Buenos Aires?
Does anyone know how long it takes to get a Russian travel visa for a US citizen through the Russian Federation Embassy in Buenos Aires?
just tell them that you love Putin, that Crimea is part of Russia and that you are going to spend lots of money in Moscow, they'll speed up your process
Does anyone know how long it takes to get a Russian travel visa for a US citizen through the Russian Federation Embassy in Buenos Aires?
I don't know the answer to your question - so you can skip the rest of this post, if you like.

You probably know all this already but just in case... I believe the conditions for Brits or Americans to obtain a visa are similar and a British friend who recently applied in London reported that the process wasn't unduly long or difficult but the information they wanted about his previous travel everywhere and his proposed travel in Russia was very exacting. On the presumption that they will already know all the correct answers, if you don't live in Argentina all they year round/have renewed your passport within the last few years/have traveled in or out of countries that don't stamp your travel documents, you might want to make sure you can gather all that information together first.

It's a much easier process if you are a citizen of Argentina or one of a number of other Latin American countries.
It's a much easier process if you are a citizen of Argentina or one of a number of other Latin American countries.

Yep. Brazilians don't even need VISA to go to Russia. I guess because Russia and Brazil are just different versions of the same hell.

Does anyone know how long it takes to get a Russian travel visa for a US citizen through the Russian Federation Embassy in Buenos Aires?

My guess is that it takes 10 days to a month to get a visa (no personal experience, though). I doubt you will find long lines there, since Russia has visa-free agreements with almost all Latin American countries, including Argentina.
It's a much easier process if you are a citizen of Argentina or one of a number of other Latin American countries.

There is no process if you are a citizen of Argentina (or other Latin American countries) as they do not need visa to travel to Russia.
Wow, that’s not what I heard at all, although maybe it is indeed easier applying in Argentina. I know people who were looking at getting Fan IDs for the World Cup last year so they could visit the country (not even to see soccer) and just to avoid going through the process of getting a Russian visa as a US citizen. All you needed was one ticket to a game, no matter where it was, so you could just buy the cheapest ticket to the lamest game and avoid all the usual application hassle. Unless someone here has direct experience to the contrary in BA, I would give yourself plenty of time.