

Jan 11, 2013
I'm travelling to BsAs in about a month and I'm a little bit concerned about the safety. Heard reports that it's really not a good idea for tourists to travel there right now. Would appreciate first hand experience and any tips how to avoid incidents.

Bullshit, don't worry about. The only valid point is not to flash money in public and be aware of pick pocketing in the subte, just use common sense and the basic safety rules that aply to any big city and more important have fun!
Buenos Aires is still a safe city for Latin American standards. It is unlikely that you'll suffer any type of violent crime here. Be aware however that petty crime here is quite widespread and tourists often fall victim of some type of scam, or have some things stolen.
BA really and truly is a safe place. You might be the victim of petty crimes such as pickpocketers, but for the most part, it's safe (I'm also assuming that you'll be staying in the Palermo/Recoleta/Puerto Madero area). Just be smart and you'll have no issues.

Also, there are other forums that have beat this subject to death so search around in the other forums and it'll give you a better idea what kind of crime does persist here.

Happy Travels!
As lamarque said, Nothing to worry about, Its just like any other big city. Common sense with a little bit of knowing your surroundings and you will be fine. I have been here 11 months and been comfortable to go everywhere.
Curious about your source of information. As in any city , be aware , avoid obvious trouble spots , no flashing , AND YOU WILL BE FINE !!
Where are you from Otis? Are you travelling on your own or with a party? Arriving by plane at Ezieza? Staying in the centre of the city

Like any big city it helps to be street wise.

I think Buenos Aires is safe and not just by south american standards but obviously there are some scams and some places to avoid - if it looks/feels unsafe then avoid

As has been said this is a familiar topic that keeps coming up

but who told you that BsAs is unsafe for tourists at the moment?
As everyone already mentioned, be streetwise and you'll be fine in Buenos Aires. I lived here 5 years ago without any problems and came back 3 months ago, all the while reading the newspapers it seemed it had gotten more dangerous but to be honest it feels exactly the same. Buenos Aires is a big city which obviously has his petty theft focused on tourists but just be smart and you'll be ok.
Hí there,

I am planning to travel to BA next month but some of the stuff I've been reading in the forums has almost put me off. If there is a major risk of getting mugged, I'd prefer to stay away. Does physique help? I'm middle-aged, 6ft 1ins, 13 stone and I'm not in bad nick for my age.

I don't plan to go anywhere outside the safer areas and I usually stay in my hotel anyway in the evenings when I'm on trips.

For example, I was in Manhattan in 2011 and I ddn't feel the slightest quiver.

What do you think, folks, should I risk going to BA?