Samsung sellers

Well, basically every phone that is sold from local company sites (Samsung, Motorola) comes with "Hecho en Tierra del Fuego" label. The same makes and models are sold in local retail stores. Mostly it is a scheme of tax-free importing from a free economic zone.
They get tax exemptions and can sell their phones for cheaper than other brands and in exchange Argentina gets about 500 jobs. It's not too bad. Though it would be better to not have tarriffs on goods not produced here in the first place.
I think these are official prices. When it comes to locally produced phones, hardly any importer can be competitive.

I bought my current Xiaomi from them some 18 months ago. That one just went tits-up, (my own fault, I left it plugged in all the time and the battery is swollen up and bulging the back plate), and now I'm in the market for a new phone. MGM is on vacation until Monday.
Modern phones are supposed to recognize when they are fully charged and cut off the incoming current. So, this is not really your fault.
Some of the new Samsung Galaxy A02 and A03 phones are amazingly cheap. Like under 30K pesos, or 150 bucks.

When I bought my Redmi Note 8 some 18-20 months ago, I paid the peso equivalent of 240 USD for it, then looked online and discovered it was selling for about 150 USD in the states. I still can't figure out why some phones are "worth" over 1000-1200 USD. The diminishing returns slope seems to be quite steep with smartphones.

Then again, the focus of my techno-lust is my desktop PC, and I wouldn't even blink at spending 1500-2000 bucks building myself a new PC.
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