As I repeated many, many, many times here, I think that the Ks are thieves, are corrupted, there is a lot of corruption in this government, not doubt about that. The problem is that is not that corruption Lanata talks about. Its not Lazaro Baez, or Antonini Wilson, or the Boudou gate. Thats all ridicously short amount of money, that is some dimes compared to the corruption that rules this country.
The problem is that you hear from Clarin only corruption from politicians, public corruption, when we have an incredibly big amount of money with private corruption (sooooooooo much bigger than public corruption). But those companies have agreeements with the big newspapers so you wont listen or read a single word agaisnt them. Again: private corruption is a lot bigger than public corruption. It happens every ten years, the bigger companies here, instead of reinvesting their money here, they take it away, capital flights, that provokes more inflation, the dollar up, etc, etc,. They dont believe in this country. But they didnt also with a friendly government with 0% inflation like Menem. Those are the direct risponsables of corralito and 2001 crisis, those are the people that rule this country.
BTW, Public coruption we have it everywhere world wide, its not something unique of this government, we have had it worst in the governments before and will have it in the next government.
Jajajaja, if you are not already a top political satirist Matias I strongly urge you seek employment in that area. I love your latest script:
1. The President steals, but only a little bit that we have an idea of. Leave her alone, no way she'd be stealing more than that.
2. Presidential corruption is bad, but only alleged. Look, look, here is a list of conveniently anti-government companies (none of whom were elected or claims to represent 40million Argentines!) who we allege are corrupt. Proof? Don't need it. Just go with it.
To quantify Presidential corruption against private corruption (more on that later) you have to acknowledge it exists, which you seem incredibly to be ok with. What poor standards you have! A moral compass of convenience if ever I saw one. By admitting Presidential corruption exists, even by your low ball estimates, don't you feel that should be the end of the government? Personally I can't get too excited about Boudou's 1992 car fraud, not a big deal, but there's more pending...
Private corruption, what is that exactly? It can only be corporate malpractice or operating outside of the govt granted charter? False accounting or something anti-regulatory like price fixing. If it happens why aren't the govt capable of regulating it? Why aren't they capable of generating the legally mandated amount of tax revenue? If there are problems with corporate governance and monopolies why are the government doing anything about it?
Are they failing by your own measure? Sounds like it, but sure, this is Argentina where the government can only define itself by what it is not.
If there are corporations out there breaking laws, illegal monopolies etc, I'd be surprised if politicians of every hue and creed aren't up to their oxters in it. I don't accept for one second that FpV = white as the driven snow, the rest = corporations and corrupt. I don't need to do it for you, but I am certain you have seen the list of K aligned businesses who profit from their patronage (matronage?).
Apologies if I have misunderstood a serious political point as satire, if so, you should be writing the Argentine version of the Daily Show.