Seats For Dining Table

Obviously I know enough of psychology to recognize that part of my attraction to IKEA is the feeling of going home for a couple of hours. In Brisbane we went Lucia in the IKEA store with the Swedish Saturday School. That was quite sentimental. :)
Tilda, if you were in BsAs you could go Lucia at the Swedish church! I have not been but I know they do it every year.
IKEA has the Swedish wild berry jams, my favourites!

Would love to hear a follow-up review of quality of the product you received

The four Jacobsen chairs I ordered online were delivered a few minutes ago. They were wrapped in plastic. The delivery man brought them into my apartment. I signed a receipt and got a copy of the paid bill. Desillas is located in Munro, Vicente Lopez. There was no delivery charge. I'm completely satisfied with the quality and the price I paid by buying directly from a wholesale distributor rather than a retail outlet on Av. Belgrano where I would have paid more for the same chairs.