Separating and need a lawyer!


Mar 23, 2011
Hi! My partner (co-habitating) and I are separating after more that 5 years of living together. I understand that there is some law about spousal benefits, but i haven't been able for find anything on the internet about it. Does anyone know about these benefits? Can anyone recommend a lawyer who is familiar in dealing with this issue? Thanks!
Those benefits are available to either partner when the other one dies after xx number of yeears. Nothing is said on benefits upon cohabitation and separation.
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Hi. According to the argentinian law there are no rights if you're not married. There's a myth that says that if you have lived under the same roof for more than X years you have certain rights, but that is not true. If you have no legal bond (a kid, a civil union, marriage) getting a lawyer is a waste of money since there's nothing he/she could do.