Now, this is really completely off topic, but I really have to ask someone.
I mean no disrespect to those people who have and like their electronic book readers, but to me; electronic gadgets like the Kindle is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
Me thinks as follows:
You use to buy a book, read it, then lend it to a friend or sell/trade it at the used book store.
-Now, you have to first buy an electronic device that costs $259 plus tax.
-Then you have to buy the actual electronic books. (Which costs about the same as a paperback).
-Instead of carrying a book, you are now carrying a rigid, small computer with a large screen that can break.
-You now have to charge your device before you can read your book.
-You are stuck with an extraordinary small number of option when it comes to books you can read. No publisher is interested in turning anything other than a popular book into digital format, because they need to recoup their investment.
-Amazon has full control over 'your' kindle. They can go in and change/erase books in your personal property without your consent. This has happened. -Look it up.
-No one talks of this, but does anyone for one second believe that Amazon is going to resist the temptation to put advertising on your Kindle? It has WiFi built in and Amazon has control over it as previously demonstrated. It's only a matter of time before ads start popping up on 'your' kindle when you flip the page.
-When you are done reading your book, you can't lend it to a friend, nor can you sell it.
I just don't get it. Could those who have one please let me know what all the fuzz is about? Does it matter that it holds 1,500 books? How many are you reading at any one time? Do you all of a sudden have an urge to go back and immediately reread a book you read 5 years ago and therefore need to 'carry your library with you' as the ad says?
Please educate me.