Should Argentina Default On Its Debt?

Should Argentina Default on its Debt?

  • Yes, she should default

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • No, she should NOT default

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • There is a "Third Way"

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters
I live in Argentina but seriously perhaps the only way for Argentina to break from its self destructive, irresponsible ways is to suffer. After the default in 2001 Argentines were too willing to believe their 'government' that just 3 years later all was cool again. These things take a generation to fix not just 3 years.

Time to drop the nationalistic politics and the fairy tales of the formation of the Republic of Argentina for a start.

I fear you are asking Argentina not to be Argentina (and Argentines not to be Argentine).
Countries and societies can and do change. My logic is I see as human logic rather than gringo logic. I am as strong a critic of my own gringo culture as CFC (well.. almost). Culture is not innate so I think its time to grow up and take the next step.
I underlined the 'K' just incase there was any doubt. Perhaps I should have bolded it and typed it 10 times...
And here goes the PCA statement (don't thank me)
Does anyone of you guys know an important part of the problem began in the dictatorship? And Im not talking of taking illegitimate private debt (9 billion dollars without interests). Im talking of the clause of being dependent of the US justice.

Yes, as you read, an anti-democratical and unconstitutional government, elected by noone, of course friend of the US, decided that the debts problems of Argentina will be decided in New York.

I dont believe in independent justice -here or anywhere. Of course in no way when we are talking of billion dollars decisions. Judges are totally functional to these capitals, as I said it is the hard core of the financial capital, the most important people of the world, the most powerful. This is the way industrial countries have to control third world countries, the default or not of a country, the future of millions of people, depends on the decision of this bussiness people and what they wanna do.

I think is important when it comes to analyse this debt, that in its origins was totally illegitimate, transferred from Argentine companies, and the same people that statized this debt said, while torturing and dissapearing the people who were agianst these decisions, that from that moment on, the legal part of the debt will be decided in the same country of the creditors.

Just a little detail.
Indeed, Griesa is a Republican... And Singer finances A LOT Goppers through offshore places (He himself his one).

Not the first time too Griesa settles in favor of private interests (big corps) against the public interest (we, you, I), even in the US I believe?

Argentina has honored all the payments since the debt restructuration. It is also said that Griesa got mad because his vacations were interrupted by this? WTF???