steveinbsas said:
What you are saying is true, but you are referring to those with a visa transitoria, not a visa temporaria...and this thread is about the latter.
Foreigners with a visa temporaria do not have to renew after three months. They have to renew annually. If migraciones refuses to renew their temporary visa because they were in Argentina less than 180 days of the year they can only stay with a visa transitoria (tourist visa)..and doesn't that mean they can only "legally" stay in Argentina a maximum 180 days of the you have posted a number of times?
The question is: can migraciones require those with the temporary visa to actually be in Argentina more than 180 days in order to qualify for the renewal of their (annual) visa? Apparently that is exactly what they are doing.
I wasn t confused Steve, it s logic. If you can be legally 6 moths per year as a tourist, for being a resident you need 6 months and 1 day into the country
The philosophy of the decree 616/2010 is to do not take attention to the nomen iuris (legal name: toruist visa, temporary visa, etc) and to take attention to the reality. Somebody who is less than 6 months per year is a tourist not a resident.
The decree calls the unproper use of a visa "desnaturalizacion" of the visa. It means that you apply for the visa for a reason but you are using it for another.
You have the 6 months rule here:
Art. 62:
[/FONT][FONT="]c) El beneficiario de una radicación permanente hubiese permanecido fuera del Territorio Nacional por un período superior a los dos (2) años
o la mitad del plazo acordado, si se tratara de residencia temporaria, excepto que la ausencia obedeciere al ejercicio de una función pública argentina o se hubiese generado en razón de actividades, estudios o investigaciones que a juicio de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones pudieran ser de interés o beneficiosa para la República Argentina o que mediara autorización expresa de la autoridad migratoria la que podrá ser solicitada por intermedio de las autoridades consulares argentinas;
Asimismo será cancelada la residencia permanente, temporaria o transitoria concedida cuando se hayan desnaturalizado las razones que motivaron su concesión o cuando la instalación en el país hubiera sido subvencionada total o parcialmente, directa o indirectamente por el Estado Argentino y no se cumplieran o se violaren las condiciones expresamente establecidas para la subvención;[/FONT]