Sixty days?


Sep 18, 2009
The son of an elderly relation to my wife holds a senior position in a large multinational here.
He has regular monthly meetings with Moreno.
During the last such meeting, a couple of weeks ago, he found Moreno in his office reclining on a sofa listening to Gregorian music..
Moreno told him not to disturb him, adding.... 'En seisenta dias estamos en la mi**da.'
That would bring us to around beginning/ middle of November.
I'm scratching my head here.
Anyone have any idea to what he may be referring?
It could be anything. A joke. In 60 days they have to start working overtime because of something. In 60 days the economy isn't going to look so swell. In 60 days...fill in the blanks.

If you ask me, it doesn't mean jack crap, but if you ask people who like to "prophesy" what a politician meant, then the world is ending in 60 days.
He was 30 days short...!! wait when the Holiday pressure on the dollar starts...!
I agree with earlier responses. Could be anything or nothing.
If it actually would be something of importance, maybe the release of true INDEC numbers? After all, they are under pressure from the IMF to release them within less than 90 days.
True INDEC numbers would probably be devastating for the government, possible sanctions from the IMF most likely even worse.
Nothing like a dubious 5th degree rumor about a vague statement from a politician to get the BA Expats juices flowing.

Maybe he has an appointment with his proctologist in 60 days.