Sixty days?

Whatever it is, I just hope the death threats part is not true.

No matter how horrible a politician (or any individual) might be, threatening anyone with death just because you don't like what they have to say or do is, in my opinion, a sign of barbarism.
Gringoboy said:
It now appears that this clown is a little more than rattled and is now alleging death threats via the net in a denuncia.
I don't condone death threats in any form, but this is a bit rich coming from someone who treats any civilised disagreement of his point of view with utter contempt.


The guy can wear boxing gloves and threaten to shut the lights off in a meeting while saying "nobody would leave this room" and yet some peeps go to his place to bang their pans and he is suddenly a victim. I don't think the regular Argentine realizes how effed up this is. In some online news sites they even say they will get to the "organizers" in the social networks.

I wonder what they would do if they get another cacerolada like the last one... prosecute everybody? So much for "memoria" and "nunca mas". :rolleyes: