So, There Were Paid Trolls After All...

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The journalist is a source himself. Here you are wrong.

A press arricle, specially in a context of censorship like the one qe have now, does not have to show its sources, they are protected by law.

If there is a criminal investigation, the judge call the journalist as a witness.

It is a fact that this goverment has a paid team working in some kind of propaganda deppartment and imaging what do they do: trolling!
No one is talking about being in court. In the real world if a news source makes an assertion, they have two choices: 1) Provide some level of sourcing/evidence so than people can have some confidence that the story is true 2)Don't provide any source/evidence and in that case the story isn't a legitimate source of information. It does not matter what news organization it is, if they don't fact check and provide evidence than the story should be considered false until proven otherwise. That is what basic humany decency demands, not the law. Otherwise I could start a and write stories about how Bajo Cero was the biggest campaign donor to Macri, and by you're logic people should consider that proven.
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