Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

That's touchy, but as always you forgot to mention all those cutted in pieces or toasted by terrorists bombs or gun machines.

Do you really want to know the truth or just want to keep with touchy half of the story speeches ?

This is the good all those young idealists and freedom lovers did.
And some people like BajoCero think these were heroes.

French jurist said:
Random, your parents are not your parents, they never were.
In fact both died in 1978 (your mother within 2 days after you were born and stolen).
Your mother, before being executed, got raped, both by men in uniform & using various tools.
Your father was electrocuted, was submitted to waterboarding before being thrown out in the Rio de la Plata.

And I forgot, you have a sister you never met which was born the same time as you. She was also "placed" in another family.

But indeed, that's no big deal...:cool: --> this dirty war is not a thing of the past for many Argentinean alive today
I understand your anger.
This is a debate forum . No need to attack Bajo_cero.
He has all the right to have a different opinion than you . If you lower yourself to attacking him , your opinion ( a valid one) loses its bonafides.

I would really like to hear people like him also complaining about the deaths and atrocities from montoneros, erp, etc.

Their victims didn't have any human rights ? I don't know, maybe they were not humans ?

They would care about those innocent people if their position wasn't a pose, a political issue. Nothing to do with human rights.

It's frustrating watching how history is being manipulated over and over and over again.

Fabe said:
I understand your anger.
This is a debate forum . No need to attack Bajo_cero.
He has all the right to have a different opinion than you . If you lower yourself to attacking him , your opinion ( a valid one) loses its bonafides.
This is a very interesting topic to follow - verbal violence non withstanding
Argentina is a good example of a neutral country. Perhaps its main if not only advantage is its isolation, not only Geographical, but also political - manifested in either political neutrality or political balance.

I'm not saying politics are balanced here of course, I'm saying that just as during World Wars, this country unlike Brazil or to an extend Peru and Chile, has remained neutral; and that in the political arena, it has also remained somewhat in the middle between socialism and free markets, militarism and intellectualism, a landed conservative elite, and an immigrant vibrant ultra liberal society. Who knows whether more number of National Socialists or their victims found refuge in this land- we do know they did business together afterwards, just as in America.
But unlike the USA, Argentina is in between the economic battle fought during WWII, the re-financing of debt by the current administration is just as proof as the crisis of 01. This country is not completely held in control by international institutions and so it benefits partially from international trade. On the flip side, this country is somewhat independent (that is self-sufficient) from International Trade, so at great expense and pain, it still assures subsistence and pseudo-prosperity during and after a World Cataclysm.

Both Peronists and Nationalists share that Corporativist Third Position -Falklands-Malvinas proves Junta Argentina while staunchly anti-Communist was also intend to fight the Birthplace of safeguard of Capitalism and Liberalism- or the biggest ally of the US.
Unlike Chile where Nationalists where utterly pro-American, Argentina during the last military regime proved to be an independent body, like Germany during WWII, with the difference that it survived, and with a infinitesimal death toll.

Some would say that the current system is globalized and subject to the same problems as everywhere else, but thanks to the Peronists in power we have counter-balances (like the trade blockade) that might eventually make the transition from the dollar to the "?" a lot smoother for Argentina than for First World countries.

I've never defended those policies, I still don't, but as I chose to spend time in Argentina and the Southern Hemisphere, I realize its good points.

These Pampas will probably survive the coming crisis just as they survived WWII more easily than the allies. Of course Argentina suffered economically for not being able to take part in the reconstruction - but it did't have to send troops and blood either.

Somehow you'll find this is all connected to the last military junta. I don't find the atrocities perpetrated at all justifiable, but I'm beginning to put it in perspective.
cbphoto said:
Just because Argentina does not like looking in the mirror...does not mean it should not start now. Maybe if Argentina looked just a little bit into it's would not do the same mistakes..over and over and over and over....
Don´t believe it, remember the Roman Empire
MERCJOE wrote:
Ah, con razón. Ahora entiendo porque no parás de decir tantas estupideces. Sos un zurdito revolucionario pro guerrilla y bien Argentino.

A vos te importan mucho los derechos humanos que te vienen bien. Los asesinatos de gente inocente de mano de la guerilla para vos fueron actos heroicos. ¿ No es cierto soldado revolucionario ?

Ya las van a pagar. Y gracias a Dios que gobiernan estos ineptos, hipócritas, ladrones zoeretes con patas. Nada mejor para que pinten de cuerpo entero y dejen en evidencia lo que son, solitos se van quemando . Tiempo al tiempo, todo lo que hicieron y están haciendo lo van a pagar.

Chau che guevara anoréxico. Y disfrutala mientras dure.
Luckily this kind of people is old and will die soon. I wonder if this guy is not writing from prison, waiting for his trial for kidnapping babies or throwing people from airplanes.

Merc: your time is over, you and your ideas are long dead, buried under millions of votes and the 21st Century.
marksoc said:
MERCJOE wrote: Luckily this kind of people is old and will die soon. I wonder if this guy is not writing from prison, waiting for his trial for kidnapping babies or throwing people from airplanes.

Merc: your time is over, you and your ideas are long dead, buried under millions of votes and the 21st Century.

I guess you also believe that everyone who doesn't fully support the terrorist is a nazi, a baby killer, a racist, hates gays and defends pedophile priests... pls try to open you mind a little bit
No, my friend. Our time, and I'm talking about people who don't forget about the real story, is just about to begin.

Me in prison ? I was a kid then and I've always been a working an honest person.

Not like all of these people who are now or were part of this government. All of them involved in terrorists acts. plain Killers with no respect for human life. "Young idealists"

Not only those did not face a firing squad as they should for their acts but dare to teach me about freedom and democracy.

Montoneros and ERP killed men, babies, women, old, all inocent people way before and during the junta. But since montoneros are now all infiltrated this assassins carry the status of heroes for people like you.

Believe me, you are the soon to be over.
Truth is never over.

Please, tell me. where are you from ?

Y como todos los de tu clase, sos un COBARDE y te cagás en todo el mundo, COBARDE como todos los zurdos revolucionarios, COBARDE como los montoneros y demás basuras guerrilleras asesinas. COBARDE como todos los que componen este gobierno nauseabundo, inepto, hipócrita y corrupto.


marksoc said:
MERCJOE wrote: Luckily this kind of people is old and will die soon. I wonder if this guy is not writing from prison, waiting for his trial for kidnapping babies or throwing people from airplanes.

Merc: your time is over, you and your ideas are long dead, buried under millions of votes and the 21st Century.
That's right cuore, did you notice they don't even mention the guerrilla ? Militares just kicked in and started killing innocent people on the streets. That's more or less how this pro guerrilla governemnt and it's followers distort history.

Most people really now but just don't want to dig into what happened 40 years ago. The problem is this people propaganda brainwash the younger and many believe their lies.

Thank God this government is full of brainless idiotas, from head to toes, they just can't help it and show what they really are over and over again. It's just a matter of time for THEM to be over.

cuore said:
I guess you also believe that everyone who doesn't fully support the terrorist is a nazi, a baby killer, a racist, hates gays and defends pedophile priests... pls try to open you mind a little bit
stand by . Ill be posting tonight on this issu. busy now