Some Forum Members Are Campora Activists

The monitoring comes as no surprise at all as I assume that would be the norm in many other countries whether we like it or not.
However I'm not sure how you arrive at the Campora connection.
Please spill.

I participate in many other online forums and see the same repeated arguments, styles, and handed down message of the day comments, that the "cyber Ks" use there.

La Policia del Pensamiento

In my interview with Kiciloff for Economic Policy Consultant, I suggested deploying La Campora on Florida St., yelling "Cambio, Cambio". This would end the Blue Rate as we know it and also greatly enrich La Campora's coffers.

Another idea was to nationalize the newsprint supply company (as there is only one) and then cut off Clarin's newsprint supply as well as any other Neo-Liberal Rag.
I think you would have to show some proof before you convince us there are la kampora members on the books of BA expats jaja.
They would want to be getting on with planning what to do with themselves when her highness fleas the palace! In fairness, we dont have too many camporistas,....we should have more! Only the good lawyer and the lingerie obsessed matias seem to be carrying the fight these days.
I hope the ''government agencies'' read this: Che, la verdad es que, me cago en La Cámpora, entendés???