Something Fishy In Barracas


Oct 18, 2007
a massive fire - killing 9 people - has destroyed a warehouse archiving banking system documents. As The Washington Post reports, the fire at the Iron Mountain warehouse (which purportedly had multiple protections against fire, including advanced systems that can detect and quench flames without damaging important documents) took hours to control and the sprawling building appeared to be ruined. The cause of the fire wasn’t immediately clear

Why would a building that supposedly has advanced fire control systems go up in flames so fast?
I can only assume you havent visited Barracas much. This building, like most there, is early 20th century, unreinforced masonry.
Regardless of how many sprinklers you put in, brick walls collapse quite easily when they are unsupported, as happened when the roof burned off.
The whole wall collapsed on nine firefighters.
This is often how firefighters die, unfortunately. Google it- it happens several times a year, in the US alone.

Now, if you are intimating that there were secret pictures of Christina partying with Scrooge McDuck or something, and therefore this fire was set intentionally, thats another story- unlikely, though. Iron Mountain has levels of security- and this was a giant warehouse full of AFIP receipts, the good stuff is in smaller, better built locations. You pay for different levels of storage security. This was bulk storage.
The Area 51 stuff, the international conspiracy to ship the good Ojo de Bife to Japan, and the Soybean Harvest predictions are all still safe.