South San Telmo/parque Lezama


May 12, 2013
Hi all, has anyone reading this lived around there? Found an *amazing* apartment by the park that I can afford. Obvs the neighborhood is pretty remote. Sketchy walk to the subte. But that immediate few blocks has some pretty great bars/restos. I'm curious about general amenities tho. Groceries etc. Anyone have knowledge of this?

(There's this other depto in Palermo around Scalabrini Ortiz and Sta Fe-- the place is super boring but jeez the neighborhood looks like PURE COMFORT. Very torn, adventure vs... whatever that other thing is.)
There's a Coto supermarket on Brasil & Peru street not too far from Parque Lezama.
I hear that the Parque Lezama is kinda dangerous at night. Usually there's a big flea market there on the weekends.
I live near Constitucion. So I'm familiar with the area. And of course you have the San Telmo flea market on Sunday that it's aways like a big party.
Highly recommended. !
Good luck.
Walked through the park at night, never a problem. The area to look out for is under the autopista.
Probably safer than Palermo (not by looks, but there is very low crime in San Telmo, my theory is that a lot of old time thieves live here and they don´t rob in their hood, you never hear of buglaries).
Lived in San Telmo for 9 years, including three near Parque Lezama. Very peaceful, not a lot of traffic, tons of stuff to do at night.
Parque Lezama is a decent location but it can be a bit sketchy at night. At least that's the "sensation" I got. I lived around there too and never had any trouble.
Lived in San Telmo for 2 years and miss it bunches. Had a private student for years on Brasil y Defensa and walked through that area a lot. Would go with San Telmo any day, especially if the place is great. You'll find San Telmo feels much more neighborhood-like and cheery (if that's what you're looking for) and you'll wonder how the onda can be so different when you're so close to microcentro. At least that was always my experience.
Obvs the neighborhood is pretty remote. Sketchy walk to the subte. But that immediate few blocks has some pretty great bars/restos. I'm curious about general amenities tho. Groceries etc. Anyone have knowledge of this?

I would definitely not consider San Telmo remote (??) and I loved, LOVED living there and still go there every chance I get. It *appears* sketchy in some parts if you're coming from Palermo/Recoleta, but of course there are many sections of both of those neighborhoods that don't *appear* sketchy but definitely are. That's Buenos Aires. As for the subte, are you walking to the Constitución station? Go to San Juan. It's fine. I agree with everything Montauk_Project said except that I probably wouldn't choose to walk through the park alone late at night, but you're a guy. It's not exactly a huge park so you can always go around it if you want to. And the onda of San Telmo is hard to beat. Very "de barrio" contrary to what people would think, especially on that end. Groceries and stuff are as great as anywhere else. There's always the colectivo to barrio chino if you need other stuff.
Thanks so much you guys. Pulling the trigger. I felt that neighborhood onda too, super happy to hear you guys back it up. San T here we come.