Spanish Classes

Although I'm "advanced" level in my Spanish I use Adriana Crom in one on ones and she is an excellent teacher and is correcting my many errors!
I know an excellent teacher, fluent in several languages, and with an amazing knowledge of both English and Spanish. He has degrees from top European universities and given his qualifications, he charges almost nothing!!!!! You can contact him at:

[email protected]

Hope it works and enjoy this wonderful city.
Although I'm "advanced" level in my Spanish I use Adriana Crom in one on ones and she is an excellent teacher and is correcting my many errors!

Aha lacoqueta-san,No comunicacion reciente contigo, sois de nivel avanzado en la lengua castellano? Entonces, cuando viaje hacia la Argentina podria platicar contigo en castellano. Estoy muy curioso de escuchar su acento gringo cuando usais el idioma. Creo que tus palabras y fraces espanyolas sonaria como una musica divina! No es un piropo, para que te des cuenta...Hasta muy pronto !