Special ID number needed to open bank account?


Apr 25, 2011
So, I am in the process of making the move over to Buenos Aires and will be looking long-term wise at the visa rentista.
However, I would like to get set up with a bank account over there from day one for my everyday checking account expenses, get a debit card, and perhaps a credit or charge card in the local currency.
Citi Bank has said that because I have been a good client for numerous years, their Global Services department is able to open one up for me and transfer my credit and banking history (I have done this before when moving from Spain-USA), but that I do need to go to some special office once in Argentina and solicit a special identification number that is required by the Central Bank of Argentina in order to successfully open the account. Supposedly, this is just a number by which Argentina will use to identify me by and has no special residency or citizenship meaning, as the bank is aware of my intention to eventually get the visa rentista.
They did not seem to think it would be a huge hassle for me to obtain this and seemed confident enough that they'd be able to open me an account once I get this special number, so much so that they wanted to set a date for me to meet with a personal banker at a Citi Bank branch.
Has anyone obtained this number before and what exactly is it? Is it as easy to obtain as Citi Bank global services seems to think it is?

Thanks in advance.
Forget about 'day one', to get a CDI you must have had a steady address for at least 30 days added: It's the Certificado de domicilio, which - if they follow the rules - cannot be issued unless you have been living there for a month.

If your income is from outside Argentina, read about 2001 (1 U$S in a bank over night became 1 AR$ = 1/3 U$S), remember the 28 percent inflation and give 'money in an Argentine bank' thorough consideration, before you deposit more than a few pesos.

This is what you must have for your CDI:

Original passport plus one or two copies for them to keep.
Copies of your visa.
Certificado de domicilio (in BsAs from the policestation that corresponds to your home, in the provinces often from Registro Civil instead)
Form 663 completed.
Something that has an address with you name on it isn't really valid, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Make sure you take at least one extra copy of everything and make it nice and neat, make their life easier and don't go too late.

Past experience has shown that with a CDI there is a good chance that Banco Piano or Banco Itaú will open a bank account, else try Santander Rió.

Another post about CDI (although it is named DNI): http://baexpats.org/newcomers-forum/486-dni.html#post1616
I was able to open an account at Banco Patagonia after jumping through all the hoops as described. But no checking allowed and not even a safe deposit box unless I have money coming in from Argentina. It is possible that with a corporation or business account, that would change. Mine is a personal account.

I am surprised about Santander. In Uruguay they wouldn't even talk to me because I am a US citizen. Their first question was where I was a citizen and when I told them they just said we do not open accounts for U. S. citizens. The penalties are just too high if the US happens to have a disagreement with them. Complete confiscation of all their assets held in the US. We are not worth the risk to them. Perhaps Santander Rio is different in Argentina. If so I'm interested to know that.
arlean said:
I was able to open an account at Banco Patagonia after jumping through all the hoops as described. But no checking allowed ...
Assuming you mean those pieces of paper we used last century :) feel no regret. Nobody accepts checks unless they are certified in the bank anyway, perhaps with the exception that you hand over your eldest son and your youngest daughter as hostages :D
Hi Dani

I do hope you can use those special rules.
I just moved here two months ago, and even with the company and a special consultant helping, I cannot open my account before achieving the DNI. This will maybe happen within one month.

You probably need a permanent adress with proof --> Certificado de domicilio, before you can obtain all the other things.

I suggest you seek proffesional help :)
Good luck
Kahretsem said:
Hi Dani

I do hope you can use those special rules.
I just moved here two months ago, and even with the company and a special consultant helping, I cannot open my account before achieving the DNI. This will maybe happen within one month.

You probably need a permanent adress with proof --> Certificado de domicilio, before you can obtain all the other things.

I suggest you seek proffesional help :)
Good luck

You are close with the DNI but here is how to open an account without a DNI and just on a Tourist Visa: http://baexpats.org/expat-life/14293-opening-bank-account-foreigner-without-residency.html