St. Patricks Day-Going to the parade?


Jan 23, 2009
Well Paddys Day is almost apon us, just wondering is anyone up to anything good tomorrow to celebrate Paddys Day in BA?:)

Is there a parade on anywhere?

Which pubs are the best to go to?
The "official" program of events is posted here: and includes a parade which happens at 6pm around Plaza Irlanda in Caballito. There's some type of concert there too.

I've also heard the Irish bars on Reconquista are a huge destination and I hear that all bona fide Paddies (which includes me) get a free drink of their choice at Sugar in Palermo... so I'm sure that latter option will have Paddies and Paddy imposters creeping out of the woodwork.

Its my first Paddy's day in Buenos Aires so I'm not sure whether to do the parade/Plaza Irlanda or the Reconquista area - or both!

Can any of you who have celebrated Paddy's day here before share some recommendations, por favor?

And, as they say in the Old Sod, Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit (Happy St. Patrick's Day to You!)
My boyfriend and I will probably be around plaza Irlanda and then maybe sugar if these rumors of free drink are true.

I’d also love to hear from some one who has experienced paddy day here before.
I was here last year and the relatively small, but enthusiastic parade ended up in Plaza San Martin, but the after events in the plaza were somewaht short. We then moved onto Reconquista and went to the Irish Bars there. Now, in my opinion, there was little Irishness going on, as most of the revellers were local, and using the old excuse that on Paddys Day, everyone is Irish :), they were simply getting locked!

Notwithstanding the above, we went to The Druid Inn and he had a band playing (they turned out to play Scottish music, but it was a least celtic, if from the wrong country!)... The Kilkenny was a nightmare to get into and get served in, think Temple Bar at the height of the English Stag & Hen Parties a few years back, and the streets were packed with drinkers. I note this year that a few of the other "Irish" bars around the city seem to be putting on Special Happy Hours etc., and maybe even some entertainment, but how Irish ot all will be is anyones guess.

I will be at Plaza Irlanda myself early on, but won't be heading to Reconquista. Whilst I didn't see any trouble or anything like last year, I have heard tales that the local Police don't take kindly to the size of the drunken party, and I did see water cannons and vans lined up along Av Alem - just in case... They didnt get deployed las year, but I understand from Argentine Family that they have been used in the past, to dampen down enthusiatic revellry around that spot, maybe they have become more understanding of way we like to have a drink :).....

If you head to Plaza Irlanda, I'll be the one in green ;)....., well, actually, depending on the weather, I may have an Ulster Rugby Shirt on, and if anyone is heading up there, and wants to meet up, my cel is 15 5809 4939.....
InteriorDesigner said:
And, as they say in the Old Sod, Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit (Happy St. Patrick's Day to You!)

And as this Old Sod would say - Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shon Duit (Isn't it masculine?)

As I said above, they take things seriously here about a drinking culture ....... This was released today from the Government of Buenos Aires.... Even if your Spanish isn't perfect, I think you should be able to understand the gist ..... Just be careful out there......

El Gobierno porteño aplicará estrictos controles en la fiesta de San Patricio

El Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires dispondrá mañana una serie de controles estrictos en la zona de pubs de Retiro y en algunos puntos de Palermo, con motivo de celebrarse el Día de San Patricio que congrega a miles de jóvenes para consumir preferentemente cerveza.

El jefe de Gabinete porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, formuló el anuncio esta tarde en una conferencia de prensa que ofreció en el Palacio Comunal junto al Subsecretario de Seguridad Urbana, Matías Molinero, y a la Directora de Fiscalización y Control, Vanesa Berkowski.

“El propósito del Gobierno de la Ciudad es que los chicos se diviertan y disfruten sanamente en el espacio público, pero seremos muy firmes y duros para garantizar nuestro objetivo, que es que no haya ningún tipo de incidentes”, dijo Rodríguez Larreta.

El Ejecutivo estima que asistirán al tradicional festejo irlandés unas 30.000 personas, la mayoría jóvenes, y que la celebración se extenderá hasta las 4 de la mañana del jueves, aunque los controles proseguirán por varias horas.

Entre las medidas que se adoptarán a partir de las 17 figura la realización de controles de alcoholemia, la prohibición de vender alcohol a menores y verificar que se respete el horario límite de expendio de bebidas de esa clase.

Habrá un vallado especial que comprende las calles Tres Sargentos, Marcelo T. de Alvear, Paraguay y Rojas entre Leandro N. Alem y San Martín, sin que afecte el tránsito en estas dos últimas arterias.

Las policías Metropolitana y Federal, bajo coordinación de la comisaría 15, harán las vigilancias habituales e impedirán que se ingrese al perímetro bebidas con fines de comercialización (que habitualmente se pretende pasar en mochilas) como también harán inspecciones de ese tipo en automóviles.

Además, estarán en funcionamiento las cámaras urbanas de video en la zona de los pubs que son monitoreadas por las fuerzas de seguridad.

El Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad porteño dispondrá 22 puestos de control de alcoholemia alrededor de la zona de los pubs, más los que desplegará en algunos lugares del barrio de Palermo y en accesos a la Ciudad, con la colaboración de la Agencia de Seguridad Vial y de Seguridad Vial de la Provincia.

Las postas estarán en Puente Pueyrredón y en la traza de Av. General Paz y las intersecciones con Libertador, Cabildo, Balbín y Av. San Martín, donde controlarán el ingreso y egreso vehicular a la Ciudad.

A los conductores alcoholizados se les secuestrará el vehículo y la multa por conducir en esas condiciones puede llegar a los 2000 pesos o aplicárseles hasta 10 días de arresto.

La Agencia Gubernamental de Control (AGC) verificará que se respete la vigencia la nueva ley que controla el límite horario de venta de bebidas con alcohol, como también que no se expenda alcohol a menores.

Berkowski informó que la AGC relevó 189 comercios – 90 de ellos en la zona de Retiro – a cuyos responsables se les anotició sobre el contenido de la ley vigente como del alcance de las penalizaciones por violar la norma.

Además, se instalarán baños químicos y habrá cuatro ambulancias del SAME para atender cualquier contingencia relacionada con la salud y personal de Emergencias y de Defensa Civil.

Rodríguez Larreta señaló que este será el tercer operativo de la actual gestión y recordó que el año pasado no se registraron incidentes de gravedad gracias a los estrictos controles aplicados, aunque sí hubo clausura de locales por no respetar las normativas.

Publicación: 16 de marzo de 2010​
Liam3494 said:
I was here last year and the relatively small, but enthusiastic parade ended up in Plaza San Martin, but the after events in the plaza were somewaht short. We then moved onto Reconquista and went to the Irish Bars there. Now, in my opinion, there was little Irishness going on, as most of the revellers were local, and using the old excuse that on Paddys Day, everyone is Irish :), they were simply getting locked!

Notwithstanding the above, we went to The Druid Inn and he had a band playing (they turned out to play Scottish music, but it was a least celtic, if from the wrong country!)... The Kilkenny was a nightmare to get into and get served in, think Temple Bar at the height of the English Stag & Hen Parties a few years back, and the streets were packed with drinkers. I note this year that a few of the other "Irish" bars around the city seem to be putting on Special Happy Hours etc., and maybe even some entertainment, but how Irish ot all will be is anyones guess.

I will be at Plaza Irlanda myself early on, but won't be heading to Reconquista. Whilst I didn't see any trouble or anything like last year, I have heard tales that the local Police don't take kindly to the size of the drunken party, and I did see water cannons and vans lined up along Av Alem - just in case... They didnt get deployed las year, but I understand from Argentine Family that they have been used in the past, to dampen down enthusiatic revellry around that spot, maybe they have become more understanding of way we like to have a drink :).....

If you head to Plaza Irlanda, I'll be the one in green ;)....., well, actually, depending on the weather, I may have an Ulster Rugby Shirt on, and if anyone is heading up there, and wants to meet up, my cel is 15 5809 4939.....


But here comes a stupid question:

So Plaza Irlanda is the one over from almagro in cabillito?

But how the hell does it get to plaza San Martin! I know we are an important people but i doubt they cut off 9 de Julio for us!

So there is TWO parades??

I can't decide!!

I've tried my best to decifer this in spanish and google translate is useless for it! Any hints contained within?
also i kind of suspected it would be mostly argentineans!

On another note i've met several people here who think scotland and ireland are the same country if not a least joined together, which might exlain the band!
Katser - Bascially says too many young people get locked on Paddys Day, and that they will close some streets to let people enjoy themselves, but under the careful watch of the policia. Under age drinking - and after hours (they serve till 4 am - what more do you need?), will not be tolerated, and tehy will have breath tests around teh city where you will get stopped and fined, or locked up, if you are caught drinking and driving!

Basically - It says Enjoy yourselves sensibly, and that there will be 30,000 out partying tomorrow....

As for the joining together of the Celtic Nations - Yep - That was very clear last year, they had no idea of the differences..........

Plaza Irlanda is in Caballito, and that's where we will be...