Starting a company on a an Argentine friends D.N.I

Monotributo category is for individuals NOT companies, there will be only one person registered then, I am not sure if this will work for you. You can try to get your own CUIT and register as monotributista, some people without DNI are able to get it.
Be careful with monotributista status, since you can only invoice a certain amount of money when issuing "facturas C".

Why dont you explore the possibility of creating an SRL (sociedad de responsabilidad limitada) or a SA (sociedad anonima), which equals to an LLC in the US for the SRL and a CORP for a SA, ask your friend to be the manager of the company with a 5% interest on it, and you hold a certificate for the other 95%?

As monotributista, Sophia will own the entire business. Do not contact a lawyer, what you need is an accountant.

Take care.
Oh, and you do not need a DNI for holding a SA (sociedad anonima) stock certificate. You should consider also that an S.A. will cost about $1000 (pesos) per month, for the accountant and the SA fees, but if your business goes fine, you can issue shares, dilute stock, etc... same than a CORP or S-CORP in the US.
we pay closer to 1000 dollars a month for our accounting fees for our srl, etc but it's probably a bigger operation that you have planned.

with an sra or srl, you will need to have someone with residency be a director.