Statistics On Most Risky Neighborhoods In Bsas

Recoleta is safer. Palermo is close to Plaza Italia, a place as dangerous as Constitución.
Palermo got fancy in the last 20 years but it was always a dangerous place so they made a great real state busisness from a place that locals used to avoid.
Most of the rich "chorros" leave in Puerto Madero; it is safe though.
I've been researching various barrios in preparation for an eventual relocation. The two I'm most interested in at the moment are Belgrano and Colegiales. My perception is that they are close enough to the "action" and with decent transit links, but far enough to be a bit more peaceful, relaxed and greener. How accurate is this impression?

With respect to personal safety, I'm traveled enough (and practised in interpreting statistics) not to be too concerned for myself just about anywhere, but I may also need to worry about others, including visitors. So I would appreciate any anecdotal info on those neighbourhoods that anyone can share.
Alho I live in recoleta and am quite happy here, I go to belgrano almost every week. It is very diverse, and you should really get a feel for the differences in the neighbourhoods within Belgrano. Overall I have to say that I feel the same level of comfort walking around there as I do here in Recoleta, altho it's not as pretty...:)
Colegiales has more barrio feeling, more relaxed, more houses, lower roofs constructions, less public transport... very similar of what Palermo used to be before started booming. Not so much nightlife though.