Still in arrival mode

Okay, explanation here since I can't find the other thread now: I met a friend to play some pool at about 6:30 and got stuck at the table (Christine saw me as she was heading through at one point), and planned to say hello to you all when I went out front for food. By the time I went out front for food, it was SO crowded it was just silly, and I couldn't see Christine anywhere. Also, couldn't imagine how I'd get a seat with a table to eat off.

Sorry. But see you all next time (I hope).
I had the fish and chips on friday and it was lovely,we were blocking the aisle in there most of the night!!!I went for a smoke in the pool room!!!
We went along to catch up with you guys but after asking some randoms if they were you we felt silly and left after an hour. Next time we need a dress hint or something. That place was cool and super crowded.

Next time :)
Did you take Howard's phone number??????
I am Aussie too and would loved to have met another fellow Aussie chica. It was a top night and the last of us got home just before daybreak.
Next time just make sure you grab one of our phone numbers and then you can send a text and we can tell you exactly where we are.

See you at the next one!
Spork said:
We went along to catch up with you guys but after asking some randoms if they were you we felt silly and left after an hour. Next time we need a dress hint or something. That place was cool and super crowded.

Next time :)
can,t believe you missed us!!!:rolleyes:
I,m in Entre Rios mi duck!!!!sort something for a week on saturday Liam can you?billboards.e-mails.forums,flyover ads,then no-one can say they didn,t where,s mi towel,thermal time,,,,followed by down down,down,down...see ya mate