Story telling in English this Thursday 3/29!


Feb 6, 2012
This Thursday night at 9:30 is the monthly story telling event in English: Second Story. I, along with about 10 other people, will be getting up on stage and telling stories - some funny, some serious, but always entertaining. We have a talented roster of storytellers ready to entertain including (but not limited to!) Rosie Hilder, Beatrice Murch, Daniel Tunnard, Melanie Henderson, Ana Carolina, Catherine Lawes Wright, and Kate Sedgwick. The stories should start right about 9:30, and you can come early and eat in the restaurant upstairs if you like. Food and drink will be available during the show. This month's theme is "Giving until it hurts".

If you want to participate you can bring along an absurd online interaction to read in the intermission. We call this section "Absurdly Outloud". We encourage participation and god knows there's enough of that shit to go around.

If you know "The Moth" this is very similar event.

What: Story telling in English
When: Thursday March 29 9:30 pm
Where: Absinth Bar & Resto (basement) 1995 Bartolomé Mitre @ Rodriguez Peña.
Cost: 20 pesos
Or go for the wine and make your own story

Magdalena’s Party is having a wine tasting tonight at 8:30 pm. $70 pesos gets you 4 premium wines and a picada to share. Located on Thames and Costa Rica (near Plaza Italia in Palermo Soho)