hannes, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the play made was the best play possible. All I'm saying is that it's a valid alternative play and clearly not "the worst call in history" as many people consider it. It should be obvious that any optimal strategy should contain at least some percentage of passes as a pure run strategy enables the defending team to get an advantage.
Regarding the majority opinions: if you read some post-analysis of the play, you will find that there are more and more opinions that give credit to the play compared to directly after the game, which is natural: the play and its result looks incredibly stupid and people are highly biased based on the result. I'm pretty sure if it would have resulted in a TD, not a single reporter would say "that was the most stupid call I ever saw". There were several similar situations during the season and in none of them we had an interception; same play, different result - and no comments aka "worst call"...