Superclasico: Boca vs. River


Mar 12, 2010
Would like to attend the Superclasico: Boca vs. River on March 20th (I believe). Want to know best place to get tickets and recommendations for best experiencing the event (seating, etc).


Where are they playing? At River or at the chiquero?
In any case you would like to buy a platea ticket
I would love to see this as well! are there groups that go normally or is it kind of a solo endeavor?
Likewise! Is there a reliable secondary market for tickets here, or am I just being naive?
malbec said:
Where are they playing? At River or at the chiquero?
In any case you would like to buy a platea ticket

YES, do NOT go to the popular (terrace, or as they say in North America the endzone) unless you are experienced here or going with someone who is. Otherwise, pay the extra for a platea (grandstand) ticket.

I often :)go to the populares in Mendoza, and often in Cordoba and BA, and have not had problems; but have received accounts of and actually seen problems, including violent robberies of gringos. Do not take cameras or try to stand out as foreigners if you go to the populares. The thieves can smell you out like sharks can smell blood. And, remember that the police do not go into the populares, because they are afraid.

Suerte, and enjoy the great experience that only an Argentinean football match can give you!
As mendozanow wrote above, populares are for experienced people. The best way to get to know where to stand on the populares is going with a local (one who goes regularly to football games!).
Otherwise go to platea first and study what happens on the populares...and the areas you better should avoid. The barra brava stands almost always in the middle. Watch for them as you seat confortably on a platea the first times.
I kept going to football games in Argentina for some 10 years and have never had any problem. The platea is fine, but if you ever go to a popular take only your house keys and 2 pesos for the colectivo ride back. No mobiles, no wallet...and no belt, as it may get confiscated by the police at the entrance (specially if it is a heavy one).
I heard tickets are going for over a 100 dollars...

I have been to the platea a few times... I would like to try the popular, but probably not at the superclasico.
I heard tickets are going for over a 100 dollars...

I have been to the platea a few times... I would like to try the popular, but probably not at the superclasico.

Actually the superclásico is not that bad for a first time popular. But go to the home side, as it is the most numerous side (you can join the River celebrations when you leave the stadium :D). There is so many people and it is so full that you don't have to worry much. Avoid standig at the center, even if at the beginning it looks kind of "empty", for this is the place for the barra brava. The peripheries are ok and I usually like to stand on the upper half...during goals the is a "run" downwards. For this reason try to stand a step or two down from one of those bent pipes "para-avalanchas".
I'm going as well. Is it any possibility of buying tickets at the la bombanera in advance, or do you have to go for the black-market e.g. mercadolibre?