Tax Id?

Has Google suddenly broken? Oh well since I'm replying anyway....

At least in Argentina, a Persona Juridica is technically defined as an invisible person. Sounds somewhat ridiculous, doesn't it? It basically just translates as 'corporations'.

Thanks ever so much for the clear and concise information.

Perhaps (for the benefit of new members as well as a few old ones) someone else will actually be willing to explain the difference between personas fisicas y personas juridicas.
Thanks ever so much for the clear and concise information.

Perhaps (for the benefit of new members as well as a few old ones) someone else will actually be willing to explain the difference between personas fisicas y personas juridicas.

Are you being sarcastic? The difference is visibility. It doesn't get much more clear and concise than that.
Are you being sarcastic? The difference is visibility. It doesn't get much more clear and concise than that.

There are undoubtedly a number of expats who don't know exactly what a "persona fisica" is in the first place.

Without knowing what it means (and that many of them actually are "personas fisicas"), it doesn't help very much to to know that "pesonas jurdicias" are "invisible persons" or corporations. In fact, it probably adds to their confusion.

A persona fiscia is, according to AFIP:

El mismo permitirá, a las personas físicas, sucesiones indivisas o responsables por deuda ajena, cumplir con su obligación de presentación de declaración jurada de cada uno de los impuestos. Dichas declaraciones juradas contendrán: datos identificatorios, materia imponible, determinación del impuesto y saldo a ingresar. Estas declaraciones juradas deberán ser presentadas hasta la fecha de vencimiento, según el tipo de contribuyente, por transferencia electrónica de datos mediante clave fiscal reglamentada por la RG 1345 sus modificatorias y complementarias. Versión 15.0 aprobada por la Resolución General N° 3610/2014.

If someone uses an on line translator like they will get the following:

The same will, to natural persons, or formed sequences responsible for the debt of the other, to fulfill his obligation of filing of affidavit of each of the taxes. These affidavits contain: identifying data, taxable, determination of the tax and balance to enter. These affidavits should be submitted to the maturity date, depending on the type of taxpayer, by electronic transfer of data through key fiscal regulated by the RG 1345 its transformative and complementary. Version 15.0 adopted by the General Resolution N° 3610/2014.

In other words, if I understand correctly, a "persona fiscia" is an individual who is responsible to declare income and pay taxes on time and a "persona jurdicia" is a corporation which has the same obligation.
A persona física is a real human being who can be seen and touched. This natural person, as the concept is called in English, aquires the rights of personhood by the simple virtue of being born.

Argentine Civil Code said:
De las personas de existencia visible

Art. 51. Todos los entes que presentan signos característicos de humanidad, sin distinción de cualidades o accidentes, son personas de existencia visible.

Art. 52. Las personas de existencia visible son capaces de adquirir derechos o contraer obligaciones. Se reputan tales todos los que en este código no están expresamente declarados incapaces.

Art. 53. Les son permitidos todos los actos y todos los derechos que no les fueren expresamente prohibidos, independientemente de su calidad de ciudadanos y de su capacidad política.

If you run that through google translate you get this:

Of those of visible existence

Article 51. All entities that have characteristic signs of humanity, without distinction of qualities or accidents, are people of visible existence.

Article 52. Persons of visible existence are able to acquire rights or incur obligations. All such are deemed not expressly declared incapable in this code.

Article 53. Them are allowed all acts and all rights that were expressly not prohibited, regardless of their citizenship and statesmanship them.

A juridical person (English) or persona juridica (Spanish) is any legal entity which is not a real human being. They aquire rights by way of a legal process such as incorporation.

You and I (and all other Baexpats) are personas fisicas. I could go shake your hand if wanted to. On the other hand, websites such as mercadolibre or amazon are personas juridica, I could not shake mercadolibre's hand (nor wring it's neck as I often want to do).

This is not a concept which is unique to Argentina; according to wikipedia "The concept of a juridical person is now central to Western law in both common-law and civil-law countries, but it is also found in virtually every legal system."
