Teaching Ads


Mar 15, 2010
I used to teach private English lessons here. I want to get back into it but the last time I did it I had a lot of problems with advertisement. It seemed to me that word of mouth was the best way to get my name out there. Besides this, what are some good ways to advertise here? Are there places on the internet? If so, which websites are good? Do flyers work? Please let me know if you have any ideas. THANKS!!!
I'll be down in BA next week (from Perth) and although I'll only be there for a few weeks this time I intend to move there permanently at the beginning of next year...

I'm interested in both teaching from home and also teaching in local language schools/institutes/etc...

I'm also MOST interested to know what I should and should not bring - I have taught all over (Japan, Thailand, UAE, Scotland, etc) and have enough books and resources to fill a library - but it would NOT be practical to bring everything :)

I guess what I am asking - for all you other ESL/EFL teachers out there - is what *essential* texts and teaching materials would you bring with you and what would you leave back in Australia (wherever else you came from :)

Many thanks in advance :)

PS Actually - as a ps - I guess I would be interested in a 'heads up' re: what sort of teaching and what sort of areas these students need the focus to be on. For example - when teaching German and Austrian students (and German speaking Swiss students) I have always found their understanding of English grammar to be far superior to my own - and I spent most of my time helping them to polish their conversational and business English skills etc. Also a large part of my focus was on cross-cultural differences and the potential for communication 'misfire'...

I guess I will find out after my first few lessons down there - but any feedback before I hit the classroom/start private lessons down there would be much appreciated :)

Thanks :)
Its almost impossible to know what to bring. The language teaching here is still the grammar based approach but as a native speaker youre probably only going to get the more advanced students as the beginners get the second language teachers(its cheaper). The classes tend to be more teacher focussed than student. A lot of the students like the 'fill in the boxes' type exercises as they feel they have then achieved something and have something concrete to hang on to despite the fact the learning value of this type of thing is limited IMHO