Tennis/squash partner

Hi, I'm staying in Bs As until mid September and I'm interested in playing squash. I have played it for 4years so far. I'm living in Recoleta, but I could go to the City Centre or Palermo as well to play. If any of you is keen to play, please let me know.


We could meet up between the 4 of us and see how we meet up or maybe play doubles, which I have never done
Hi all,
I guess that playing doubles can get a bit messy and dangerous. I'm happy to play singles with whoever is up to. My email is [email protected]. I'll email you che boludo.


We could also show with 3 or 4 and rent the pitch for 1,3 hour and see who ever match-up well and get some rest.

Will send you my facebook Seb
I think all 3 of you got my fb, lets get in contact for next week
Barney said:
We could also show with 3 or 4 and rent the pitch for 1,3 hour and see who ever match-up well and get some rest.

Will send you my facebook Seb
pitch????ps barney,what,s the address for the Darwin bar?
asadofan said:
pitch????ps barney,what,s the address for the Darwin bar?

It's at the hipodromo de San Isidro, av. Marquez but everybody just knows it as hippodromo de San Isidro. Give a shout before tursday if you want to come, I am going there most of the time
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