Terrorist state Israel assassinates Hamas leader in Dubai

Ok. By imminent genocide I mean the day that - thanks to people like you - the International Community will sanction Israel so hard that it will become impossible for her to defend itself. At that point Muslims (wither a state like the Islamic Republic, or more likely, their proxies, the Army of Allah (hezbo-allah), will launch a devastating attack that will kill Jews, Palestinians and bahaists alike. The Western World will condemn it but, just as after 9/11 they'll say "they had it coming". The Muslim World will applaud it and sanctify the dead Palestinians as martyrs. The Holy Land will become the Radioactive Land.

There's of course another course of action: Citizens in Arab countries like Egypt and Syria will become more intolerant of both their fascist leaders and the religious opposition and will somehow embrace free markets and Republican values. At that unlikely point they will demand to rights like those of Arab Israeli citizens. Free movement of people will begin, and there will be no problems for a Lebanese to move to Syria or to Egypt. Palestinians in those countries will be given full citizenship and the refugee camps will disappear. Eventually, the Jordanians will allow the West Bank Arabs to immigrate, and Egypt will do the same thing with the Gaza arabs. But that is highly unlikely because, even thought they speak the same language, profess to the same divinity, and have an almost identical cultural background, outside Israel, all middle Eastern countries regard Palestinians the lowest "caste" to be used as cannon and Media fodder for their either Pan-Arabic or Islamic pretensions.
No the day Israel can't defend itself is the day the U.S stop supplying them with weapons and giving them aid.
If Israel had indeed tried to work for peace, I am sure the neighboring Arab nations would be peaceful in return. Also, there is no need for a Jewish state. Again, Jews and Arabs just to live together in peace in Palestine before Israel ever existed. Israel is the problem, not the Arab nations around them. Of course they need real democracy there too, but that is not the issue here. And calling them fascist doesn't help.
orwellian said:
No the day Israel can't defend itself is the day the U.S stop supplying them with weapons and giving them aid.

While that is part of what I meant, Israel could still defend itself with their own money, discipline, joy de vivre, and technology. But I don't think it could if it had the whole world opinion against her - even more so than now.

orwellian said:
If Israel had indeed tried to work for peace, I am sure the neighboring Arab nations would be peaceful in return.

Then you should obviously review your history books and sources.
Israel has made every effort towards peace with their neighbors. But their neighbors used their brother Arabs as cannon fodder to expel that Ottoman-British colony made Jewish state.
The only think they haven't tried is a Ghandi approach because that would equal suicide. XX-XXIc Arabs are not as philosophical as post-war British gentlemen.....

orwellian said:
Also, there is no need for a Jewish state. Again, Jews and Arabs just to live together in peace in Palestine before Israel ever existed. Israel is the problem, not the Arab nations around them. Of course they need real democracy there too, but that is not the issue here. And calling them fascist doesn't help.

I also believe there is no need for a -new- Jewish state, but the facts are that the state is already built and prosperous, for the Israeli Jews, the Israeli Arabs, and the many Israeli Atheists.
Calling those govs what they are (how else would you classify countries like Syria or Monopartidist Egypt?) helps a lot to wake their subjects up and maybe convince them to try and emancipate instead of emigrate every time they succeed. It's sad because Arabs from Levante (Med coast, no oil) are actually very trade and banking savvy, cultured. If they had some freedoms they would begin trading with Israel in a heartbeat. And Trade is the only antidote to war.
orwellian said:
Yes Hamas is a terrorist organization which I do not support. I have already made that clear. However you are, like some others in this thread, a hypocrite when you accuse them of being terrorists and at the same time applaud Israel when they carry out terrorist attacks.
Where is your sense of moral equivalence? Are you really arguing that assassinating an active participant in a terrorist organization, one who has conspired to bomb civilians on public buses and in coffee shops, is morally equal to placing the bombs in the buses and coffee shops in order to kill the civilians in the first place? That is patently absurd to anyone with any semblance of basic human ethics. You know, at some point reason has to declare one person's argument as simply nonsensical and unethical. There is no mathematical proof of the absurdity of some arguments other than the application of human values. Hopefully people will agree your argument is absurd and in a very real way, inhumane.

And Ahmaddinejad of Iran never said that Israel should be wiped off the map, what he said was that Zionism should be wiped off the map. That's just another Zionist lie.
Ahmaddinejadd has publicly declared that the state of Israel should be wiped off the map. See http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/26/world/africa/26iht-iran.html reporting of his speech at a "World Without Zionism" conference on Oct 26, 2005. In it he reiterates and concurs with the same prior statement uttered by that pillar of rational humanist values, Ayatollah Khomeini. Zionist lie? It wasn't the Zionists who translated his words that way. It was the official Iranian news agency. After the quote became sensationalized in the western press, the Iranian state news agency that originally published this translation tried to back off by offering a new interpretation - something to the effect that the Israeli state would collapse. Others students of Farsi have interpreted his words in various ways. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translated the phrase to be the state of Israel should "be eliminated from the pages of history." See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad_and_Israel
for a lengthy discussion of the hullaballoo surrounding the exact meaning of his words as well as a seemingly well documented history of his inflammatory anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, holocaust-denying statements. Ahmaddinejadd's own offical web site reports that around June 3, 2008 he said:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday "that the Zionist Regime of Israel faces a deadend and will under God's grace be wiped off the map." http://www.president.ir/en/?ArtID=10114

Now you can parse the man's numerous hateful words however you like. It boils down to this. The President of Iran is a jew-hating, Israel-hating demagogue who favors the elimination of the state of Israel. In its simplest form today Zionism is the affirmation and support for the democratic state of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. If you call for wiping out Zionism, it is indistinguishable from calling for wiping the state of Israel off the map. Hopefully, the international community will sanction Iran for its belligerent and bellicose violations of international law re nuclear armaments and eventually the nut case who is Pres of Iran will be removed from power. He is a dangerous person.

And Zionism is based on Judaism. And Jews think they are the chosen people. Same same but different.
Frankly, I can only guess at your meaning. Zionism is a movement, political in nature with some philosophical connection to biblical texts that refer to God delivering Moses's people into a land of their own. Judism is a religion. I do agree that Jewish texts claim that the Jews are God's chosen people, but what does this have to do with the matters under discussion? Are you trying to equate the Jewish concept of being the chosen people with the fundamnetal Islamic belief that Islam is the only true religion? That is a false comparison.

Jews do not endeavor to convert non-Jews by force. They pretty much do the opposite and tend to make it difficult to convert to Judaism. Jews do not try to subjugate people of other religions and require them to pay the jizziah and live as second class citizens as the Koran commands its believers to do. Jews do not punish blasphemy with death fatwas ala Salamon Rushdie. They do not prescribe death for one who leaves the faith as does Sharia law. Recall the death sentence handed out to a Christian convert in an Afghanistan court few years back? It caused a temporary scandal in the west inasmuch the US was providing so much financial support to the Afghanis. It was hard to reconcile our support for a government that had this kind of law. The condemned man's sentence was quickly reversed and the affair was swept under the carpet to avoid inflaming western sensibilities.

And Israel doesn't violate the Geneva Conventiom? Again you are being a hypocrite.
Stop calling me names and give proof of your charges. This violation of the rules of war business is a more complicated issue than most people realize. The international rules of war almost all ultimately devolve into a consideration of what is "reasonable" whether in reaction to enemy offensives, return of fire, or the taking of innocent civilian lives. It can very easily be argued, for example, that the Israelis did not violate international (including Geneva) rules of war when shelling a school or mosque that was used by the adversary as a launching site for rockets into Israel. Moreover, the law is not so naive as to allow the use of human shields with impunity. Of course, it makes for great press when one side which doesn't value human life quite the same as most civilizations uses human shields and thereby coaxes the other side into taking the risk of (reasonably) killing enemy non-combatants. What is beyond dispute is that firing rockets into civilian populations as did Hamas is a violation of international law. My point is that the case against the Israelis is based upon application of reasonableness to complex fact situations while that of the Hamas is really quite clear. The Goldstone report was ridiculously simple minded in its conclusions and findings.

Not sure what you mean they can relocate any time they want. And should the rest of the Palestinians suffer because of a few extremists? I think if there was a serious will for peace from Israel, the Palestinians would support it. The problem is that they don't offer peace, they offer death and destruction.
The Palestinians are Muslims. Muslims do not want peace with the Jews. Period. That is an immutable fact of life. Your shrill anti Israel arguments are without a sound rational basis. You have no facts to buttress your arguments, only loud unsupported cries of evil doing. It is unconvincing to people with any sense of ethics just as is your absurd moral equivalance of the assassinationn a bomb planting terrorist with the slaughter of a bus full of civilians.

Yup, pretty clear. You seem to be fond of death. Just a small comment though; the people who attacked you on 9/11 was the U.S government and Mossad. The very same people you support. Also, try reading about how the Israelis attacked USS Liberty:
Those are your very good friends. Also ask yourself; what has Israel ever done for the U.S except for killing your servicemen, civilians and taking your military and economical aid?

Me ? Fond of death? No way Jose. I favor death only for those would kill others simply because they don't agree with the precepts of the Quran. It is the Muslims who cherish death in the service of Allah. The 72 virgins in paradise is a great ploy. Your mention of looney consiracy theories absent an iota of factual support is unconvincing and only serves to underscore how perverse your reality is.
Long live Israel. Death to Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaida, Taliban co-conspirators and those who actively support their terrorist activities.
Matt84 said:
While that is part of what I meant, Israel could still defend itself with their own money, discipline, joy de vivre, and technology. But I don't think it could if it had the whole world opinion against her - even more so than now.

I disagree, although they do have atomic weapons, something they acquired illegally.

Matt84 said:
Then you should obviously review your history books and sources.
Israel has made every effort towards peace with their neighbors. But their neighbors used their brother Arabs as cannon fodder to expel that Ottoman-British colony made Jewish state.
The only think they haven't tried is a Ghandi approach because that would equal suicide. XX-XXIc Arabs are not as philosophical as post-war British gentlemen.....

Well how would you and your government feel if the Arabs in your country wanted to setup an Arab state within the U.S? Not sure they'd like that. But that is in the past, it happened. I am sure giving the circumstances an agreement with two states can be worked out.

Matt84 said:
I also believe there is no need for a -new- Jewish state, but the facts are that the state is already built and prosperous, for the Israeli Jews, the Israeli Arabs, and the many Israeli Atheists.
Calling those govs what they are (how else would you classify countries like Syria or Monopartidist Egypt?) helps a lot to wake their subjects up and maybe convince them to try and emancipate instead of emigrate every time they succeed. It's sad because Arabs from Levante (Med coast, no oil) are actually very trade and banking savvy, cultured. If they had some freedoms they would begin trading with Israel in a heartbeat. And Trade is the only antidote to war.

I wasn't saying they should create a new Jewish state. I am saying they don't need a religious state at all. They just need one country, and it should be called Palestine and be a democracy with freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
And I would call them fundamentalist Muslim states, but not fascist states. Please elaborate why they would be fascist please.
darmanad said:
Me ? Fond of death? No way Jose. I favor death only for those would kill others simply because they don't agree with the precepts of the Quran. It is the Muslims who cherish death in the service of Allah. The 72 virgins in paradise is a great ploy. Your mention of looney consiracy theories absent an iota of factual support is unconvincing and only serves to underscore how perverse your reality is.
Long live Israel. Death to Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaida, Taliban co-conspirators and those who actively support their terrorist activities.

Long live terrorists as long as they are on your side you mean Mr Hypocrite? And the conspiracy theory that a bearded man carried out the attacks from a cave in Afghanistan is not loony? I wonder how they made the twin towers collapse in free fall speed without the use of explosives. Not bad those Arabs, they can violate our laws of physics as well! Now did you read about the USS Liberty?
orwellian said:
I disagree, although they do have atomic weapons, something they acquired illegally.

Fortunately they don't have them yet. They (leaders, furry TV hosts, children) have repeatedly said they want to kill every jew with some very horrible animal kingdom epithets I'm not repeating here. As soon as they can, they will wipe them out. - but we wont let them.

orwellian said:
Well how would you and your government feel if the Arabs in your country wanted to setup an Arab state within the U.S? Not sure they'd like that. But that is in the past, it happened. I am sure giving the circumstances an agreement with two states can be worked out.

Arabs in America didn't need to found an independent state. Nor did the Irish. The only group that attempted such fundamentalist approach which is one step away from Sharia, were the Mormons and their Deseret State.

How would you feel if Muslims succeeding in imposing their laws in your home country (whatever that may be, but extra points since you said you were European) ??

orwellian said:
I wasn't saying they should create a new Jewish state. I am saying they don't need a religious state at all. They just need one country, and it should be called Palestine and be a democracy with freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
And I would call them fundamentalist Muslim states, but not fascist states. Please elaborate why they would be fascist please.

Israel is already a Democracy, with some of the highest levels of Free Speech of Eurasiafrica, and definitely with freedom of religion.

What you are calling for is Israel taking in all the Palestinians. The arabs already living in Israel were Palestinians who chose Democracy and Free Speech over an unorganized ex-ottoman mandate. The ones who are left are media whores kept captive by their military and religious leaders who brainwash them and keep them hostage. And The surrounding countries which so literally keep them hostage: as a human buffer of media and cannon fodder.
Orwellian, CHILL OUT! Stop calling everyone a hypocrite, and stop accusing people of not having read every piece of information in this flood of it. If you want to educate us, do so without threatening us.

I'm sure you don't know all the facts, or are you omniscient like G'd?
Matt84 said:
Fortunately they don't have them yet. They (leaders, furry TV hosts, children) have repeatedly said they want to kill every jew with some very horrible animal kingdom epithets I'm not repeating here. As soon as they can, they will wipe them out. - but we wont let them.

No Israel has atomic weapons which they acquired illegally. And I am sure you will find Israelis calling to exterminate Arabs too, not sure what your point is.

Matt84 said:
How would you feel if Muslims succeeding in imposing their laws in your home country (whatever that may be, but extra points since you said you were European) ??

I wouldn't like it very much either. So then maybe you can understand why they were pissed off too?

Matt84 said:
Israel is already a Democracy, with some of the highest levels of Free Speech of Eurasiafrica, and definitely with freedom of religion.

Well yeah if you are an Israeli citizen. But most Palestinians are not so they don't get to vote. They do have the right to vote on the occupied territories, what's left of it. Not very democratic.

Matt84 said:
What you are calling for is Israel taking in all the Palestinians. The arabs already living in Israel were Palestinians who chose Democracy and Free Speech over an unorganized ex-ottoman mandate. The ones who are left are media whores kept captive by their military and religious leaders who brainwash them and keep them hostage. And The surrounding countries which so literally keep them hostage: as a human buffer of media and cannon fodder.

What I am calling for is for them to live in peace and to give the Arabs the right to vote. I am sure the moderate Jews and Arabs would prevail against their extremists.

Matt84 said:
Orwellian, CHILL OUT! Stop calling everyone a hypocrite, and stop accusing people of not having read every piece of information in this flood of it. If you want to educate us, do so without threatening us.

I'm sure you don't know all the facts, or are you omniscient like G'd?

I should chill? The guy goes on and off about how people should be killed, and death to this and death to that.
If he stops with his hypocrisy, I will stop pointing out that he is a hypocrite.
And who did a threaten?
darmanad said:
The Palestinians are Muslims. Muslims do not want peace with the Jews. Period. That is an immutable fact of life.

You're posting utter drivel that would shame even a neo-con. Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have diplomatic relations with Israel. They are all moslem states. Syria would probably join the gang but for the matter of the Golan heights. And before Israel came on the scene, Jews were living peacefully for centuries in the Ottoman empire. In the moslem world there has never been anything like the pogroms of Eastern Europe and Russia. Let alone the Holocaust. So stop spouting this war-of-civilisations bullshit a la Samuel Huntingdon. And for Christ's sake, get some proper schooling.