Thailand VS.Argentina

fifs2 said:
Alex, hello and welcome back. It's been a while. Hope all is well with you. This iste needs more veterans even if we fight with each other!:eek:

If you check his stats, you'll see Alex's last post was on 9-01-2010.:rolleyes:
steveinbsas said:
If you check his stats, you'll see Alex's last post was on 9-01-2010.:rolleyes:

And your point is Steve? Alex was a regular poster on this site some time ago..does veteran only count when you spend every day on line answering all posts aka you? God sometimes you are just such a bitch, pain in the ass...don't know you leave your house with your ego blocking the way!
fifs2 said:
And your point is Steve? Alex was a regular poster on this site some time ago..does veteran only count when you spend every day on line answering all posts aka you? God sometimes you are just such a bitch, pain in the ass...don't know you leave your house with your ego blocking the way!

Wow! All I did was point out the date so you would know that Alex is longer posting and probably won't see and won't be able to reply to your message.:)

Alex was permanently banned from this site because he couldn't control himself and got way too personal in his replies.:mad:

I've never called anyone anything like a bitch here and I'm not going to start now. :rolleyes:

What's your excuse?:p

Edit: I spend almost all day working outside...restoring the house...building corrals...caring for the garden. The "remember me" feature allows me to stay connecteed to the site so I don't have to log in over and over. I do check the site when I come in to reboot the internent radio (I listen to CNN while I'm working). If you check my stats you will see my average number of posts is 2.26 per day. If I answered all posts (as you assert) it would be many, many times that. I am sorry that simple facts and logic set you off. There is a dire need for facts and logic here.

Thanks for reminding me to never get married...again.
confusion. this is why it is not a good idea to revive year old threads. :)
steveinbsas said:
Wow! All I did was point out the date so you would know that Alex is longer posting and probably won't see and won't be able to reply to your message.

Alex was permanently banned from this site because he couldn't control himself and got way too personal in his replies.

I've never called anyone anything like a bitch here.

What's your excuse?:p

Sorry Steve I actually thought Alex was back in 2011 and was trying to be friendly as I remember Mr. money guy (Alex) being hostile before and hoped to see him return in more friendly mode. I dont have an excuse for my ill manners Steve other than 5 house moves this year with 2 kids, 2 office moves and 70 hour work weeks since September. It's been an undeniably tough period since 2010 and all the sh*t I mentioned as a resultof a little blackmail Bsas style. Sorry for not reading properly and sounding off. You know I love you really, facelift, veneers and all. Honestly my apologies. Hoping to waker up in good humor in 2012 or sooner.
Thailand is great if you want to be a "classic" expat, you know, the guy drinking overpriced beer in the expat bar talking only with other 50 year-old British/German/whatever lonely souls. Amazing place for vacations, not so much for living, at least if you want some culture in your life and like to blend with the locals. In Argentina is a matter of learning Spanish, in Thailand you must born again there.

That said, Koh Kood is my favorite non-spoiled non-touristy island, is near the Cambodian border, two hours by slow boat from the continent, near from Trat.
Thailand is great if you want to be a "classic" expat, you know, the guy drinking overpriced beer in the expat bar talking only with other 50 year-old British/German/whatever lonely souls. Amazing place for vacations, not so much for living, at least if you want some culture in your life and like to blend with the locals. In Argentina is a matter of learning Spanish, in Thailand you must born again there.

That said, Koh Kood is my favorite non-spoiled non-touristy island, is near the Cambodian border, two hours by slow boat from the continent, near from Trat.