Have to agree with the above poster who said just get used to it, it's not a big deal. Any woman who is a traveler needs to get used to OB because in much of Latin America, Africa and Asia that is all you will find. Secondly those tampons with plastic applicators are horrible for the environment (and sold by diabolical corporations that put petroleum products in your food, fight against labeling GM's, conduct cruel animal test such as putting chemicals in the eyes of kittens, and make baby bottles with dangerous plastics, etc) and third OB's are much easier and more indestructible to cart around, travel with and carry indiscretely when you're out for the evening with a small purse.
I would prefer the natural unbleached ones that are similiar to OB (which is also owned by a diabolical corporation, Johnson & Johnson), but talk about a first world problem. Not trying to knock the poster, as I also used to prefer the applicator kind, just want to add perspective. In much of the world women still use actual rags and I even have a couple of friends here who never considered tampons an option or never became accustomed to using them because they are just too expensive.