The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

ARGENTINA is to the right of USA?
Am I reading this correctly?

I am not inclined in political science ... but thought the right means less government .... left means more socialism.

"Left" and "right" are irrelevant terms in a Peronist patronage state like Argentina.
"Left" and "right" are irrelevant terms in a Peronist patronage state like Argentina.

The question was: what country to the right of USA?

ARGENTINA is to the right of USA ?

Am I reading this line correctly?
The America that exists now is very different from the America that existed before 911. The Patriot Act completely re-wrote how domestic policy is viewed and implemented. It significantly expanded Executive powers to the point that checks-and-balances are almost non-existent. I didn't elect a king. I elected a President. You might say that this President uses those powers wisely. Ok, how about the next President?

And yes, there are many of us conservative Republicans who can actually think through issues and put consecutive sentences together.
If one wishes to point a finger at the true culprit. It really is not Americans [the people] or America [the nation] . These are the entities that will bring in massive aid after you tusami, earthquake, plague, ebola outbreak or volcanic eruption. For the true and real festering pustual, the root of 40 incursions look no further than Wall Street. It has become everything that we are not and don't wish to be.