The Case Of The 22 Year Old Virgin... Could It Happen Here ?

I've been waiting over a week for someone to comment about this.

It is a great example of using statistics out of context, though it isn't as misleading as changing the words when "quoting" someone:

Such as changing this:

to this:

Anyone who disagrees with me about anything is welcome to do so, but not to change anything I quoted or anything I wrote when quoting me, even if they think it's funny.

Merely corrected the typo, giving writer benefit of the doubt.
Anyone who disagrees with me about anything is welcome to do so, but not to change anything I quoted or anything I wrote when quoting me, even if they think it's funny.
(above quote edited for brevity)

Agreed. I feel the same way when it's done to me. It's a dirtbag tactic.
Yes drugs and guns are exactly the same. There really is nothing that can be done to prevent mentally unstable people from easily getting guns and going on a rampage. Its such a tragedy!

The fact that gun deaths are down over 50%, without any significant restriction to gun ownership, seems to make your irony quite pointless.
The fact that gun deaths are down over 50%, without any significant restriction to gun ownership, seems to make your irony quite pointless.

Yes it seems doing nothing is stopping the almost weekly gun rampages by a mentally ill person in the states.
The fact that gun deaths are down over 50%, without any significant restriction to gun ownership, seems to make your irony quite pointless.

There are a couple of flaws with your argument:
1. "over 50% down" - compared to what? Are we taking the peak year of gun death and to let the reduction seem big?
2. Relative figures are pretty bad as an assessment of whether there is an issue or not. Let's assume there were 2 gun death in 2012 in the whole US and the next year we have 3 - thats 50% more! Do we have a problem there? Probably not. If there were 100000 in 2012 and the next year "only" half of it, its 50% less but far from "everything is fine".
3. Using an overall gun death statistics also doesn't shed light of the actual question: there are gun death which will happen even if you would not be able to buy a riffle at Walmart (if a gang member purchases an illegal weapon), while other gun death might be avoidable by some kind of restrictions.

From a European point of view, its pretty weird to see all the discussion, especially when a picture is painted like "this has nothing to do with freely available guns" - what is then the reason for these incidents happening in the US way more often than in other developed countries?