The Case Of The 22 Year Old Virgin... Could It Happen Here ?

Everyone should go on twitter and read some of the tweets under the #YesAllWomen hashtag from this past week, and you will quickly see that women have every right to hate all of us men. The whole premise is that while "not all men" are bad, misogynists, etc, "Yes all women" suffer at the hands of misogyny on a daily basis.

I'm really interested to hear some of these stories from Argentine women, or how they feel affected by it, as one of things I noticed when I got here was that the shouting/catcalling/staring/etc were FAR worse than in the US, but I haven't really heard any of the women commenting on it.

Catcalls are different from the taxi driver who rapes his passenger or the uncle who rapes his niece, so on and so forth.

My 18 year old sister-in-law had to take a cab home from school the other day. The driver was in his fifties. He kept looking back at her in the rear-view mirror. He finally asked her where she was from and she said from Paraguay but she lives here. He grinned, literally licked his lips, and said she looks exactly like his ex-girlfriend. She started to feel real uncomfortable and was thinking about calling me and/or seeking an exit from the cab at the next stop. Her older cousin was (allegedly) raped by a taxi driver one night after partying, about 5 years ago. Gives us all the willies thinking about crap like this and I gave her a dressing-down for not having called me to come pick her up. I NEVER let her take a cab by herself at night. NEVER NEVER NEVER.

My girls and my wife are Paraguayan and I know for a fact they hate the catcalls and the lewd comments that they get on a daily basis. But when I start to go talk to the idiots, "verguenza" takes over and they are horrified at the thought that I'm going to confront these pricks (of course, the pricks just laugh anyway). And the comments they use, the whistles, the smacking lips, whatever - who in their right mind thinks a woman is going to respond to that? The guys making these comments wouldn't know what to do if a woman fell into their laps.

I worry about the uncle and the taxi driver, the rest are idiots, though a sign of worst things just below the surface.

But don't think women are all that holy either. I despise some of the things happening in the US (we always tend to go overboard with everything) - as more and more men become less and less misogynistic and more "metro-sexual:", I see many things in culture that are making men look as stupid as women were made to look in the 50s, for example. How many TV series is the man just a stupid idiot and the woman knows everything? How many movies does the guy have to be guided to "do the right thing" by a woman? I despair of there being true equality in this world as the pendulum swings back and forth mercilessly. I think there will be race equality before there will be gender equality. And of course, the real difference between the sexes, reproduction itself, may be the biggest barrier no matter what men or women want.
Everyone should go on twitter and read some of the tweets under the #YesAllWomen hashtag from this past week, and you will quickly see that women have every right to hate all of us men. The whole premise is that while "not all men" are bad, misogynists, etc, "Yes all women" suffer at the hands of misogyny on a daily basis.

I'm really interested to hear some of these stories from Argentine women, or how they feel affected by it, as one of things I noticed when I got here was that the shouting/catcalling/staring/etc were FAR worse than in the US, but I haven't really heard any of the women commenting on it.

Here's a story from an expat.
This pretty much puts things in perspective:
[background=rgb(245, 245, 245)]Ultimately, his logic was the socialist logic. The only difference being the "item" that was to be distributed. [/background]

Elliot was too competitive fro women to accept him ....with that nose job and botox injections, Women must have felt challenged :rolleyes:
Well said by The Onion...

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

ISLA VISTA, CA—In the days following a violent rampage in southern California in which a lone attacker killed seven individuals, including himself, and seriously injured over a dozen others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Tuesday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said North Carolina resident Samuel Wipper, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep this guy from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what he really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past five years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”
Cultural Problems, big time:
Think this statistic is quite revealing about the "mental health" of Americans, USA type for you purists. From a Bryant Gumbel commentary on HBO:

"Modern Americans reach for a drug for any and everything – for problems real and imagined. It’s why we consume more pills than any nation on earth and why TV ads are relentlessly selling us Xarelto, Abilify, Stelara, Prodaxa, and dozens of other drugs we never ever guessed we supposedly needed.

Americans are only about five percent of the world’s population yet we take 80% of the world’s painkillers and a whopping 99% of the world’s Vicodin. We have four million kids on Ritalin, 22-million women on antidepressants, over 30-million adults on sleeping pills, 32 million on Statins, 45 million on another drug I can’t even begin to pronounce. The list goes on and on."
take 80% of the world’s painkillers and a whopping 99% of the world’s Vicodin.

It's actually 99% of the world's hydrocodone in any formulation not just Vicodin. Yet it's a pretty much meaningless statistic (the second not the first) considering that different opiate based pain killers vary in popularity between countries. Heroin is used in western Europe in place of morphine yet isn't used at all in the US.

The UN International Narcotics Control Board, which was most likely the source for those statistics, takes the posture that governments in developing countries need to facilitate medical access to opiate analgesics.