You have a habit of defending the indefendible using soundbites to silence intelligent conversation . The current government has been the biggest disaster to hit Argentina since its founding as a republic . Now we are left with a terrible future as people will opt for radical socialism that also is not a answer to Argentinas problems .
Mauricio Macri had a historic opportunity to turn Argentina around . Instead he used the trust of his people to speculate with their future and rack up the largest debt ever . Capitalism is the correct path where people and business are encouraged . Savage capitalism which was the model of the last years has decimated most small businesses and converted the majority of Argentinas citizens into working poor .
I am not happy for a return to the past and certainly do not support the Venezuela model . For those members who gleefully post those venezuela videos put your money where your mouth is and move there . I desire for Argentina a capitalist future that encourages and respect its citizens . There are many fine examples in the world from Finland . Norway. Canada , and Australia . These countries have similar populations to Argentina and have prospered . Of all these countries once Argentina had the brightest future as rightfully so it is the richest of all ot them in natural resources . Unfortunately corruption has been ingrained in the system here and this has been the demise of the country in the last 50 years
I agree with a lot of that. Though please stop calling this batch of peronists/k's "radical socialists". They are quite obviously a faux left wing cleptocratic mafiosi populist grouping.
Let's never forget that the only ideological content peronism has is the thirst for raw power. That's why you've had people who are supposedly from both the left, and the right, calling themselves 'peronists' for decades. Person's idol was Musolini, people forget that too.
Social democratic left wing governments, and related progressive social policies, have done very well in several Nordic, European, and other countries, sweeden, etc. The K's and their ilk are not socialists, not social democrats, and not radical socialists either.
The K's just printed money, destroyed the peso value, had a massive public sector and cliente class who are intentionally kept uneducated and fed the same old populist bread and circus. Oh, and they also 'donated' a lot of funds to convents, lest we forget. The corruption was truly epic...
You are spot on that the neo liberal M thieves have destroyed the economy too though, siphoned off a lot through corruption, used the imf loans to artificially manipulate the currency value etc. As opposed to spending on core education, vocational training, core public service infrastructure, small business, and transformative large scale infrastructure and modernisation projects. All they provided where a few token 'show pieces'. It's a squandered opportunity, but what else would the neo-liberals do, they always end up richer as they are fans of redistributing wealth to themselves, from the poor.
Neither 'side' here in Argentina have ever done anything to deal with the total lack of separation of powers, and heavy politicization of both the Judicial branch, and the higher education system in Argentina. Something they all benefit from and which only further butresses the regressive political modalities.
Both 'sides' are rotten to the core.
And soon we will probably have a global recession on our hands too.
If only the greedy political classes would stop acting like spoilt children , Argentina really could be so much better for it's demos with some better stewardship. I haven't seen much around though, unfortunately.