flurec said:
You are right that Buffet does have dividend income outside of BK but it is from his personal holding and is a negligible part of his net worth. You can also invest in stocks and take part in his scheme. Buffet has got to be one of the least evil rich guys around. He is giving away 99% of his wealth AND trying to convince others to do the same. I would much rather him do that than cut a check to the US Treasury.
ok fair enough.
flurec said:
I refer to the apocalypse because it seems to be a common theme among gold bugs. Why else would gold be a worthwhile investment? If the US dollar hyper-inflates it will be a major worldwide event. There will be much greater worries than the relative value of gold.
ok but again, if the dollar hyper inflates, one of the biggest beneficiaries will be gold, along with other tangible assets such as commodities and properties. what's unique about gold however is that it is a monetary commodity. it's portable and extremely liquid. you're not going to walk around carrying a barrel of oil on your back or a bushel of wheat in your pocket. with gold, i can visit any country in the world and exchange it for its equivalent value in the local currency in order to buy the products i need.
flurec said:
Dollars are the most liquid, circulated and trusted currency on the planet based on its history. It has been fairly well managed relatively speaking which put it where it is. The US is also the world's biggest consumer. The US is able to payoff its debt- the debt is denominated in dollars...
yes to everything you just said - for now. but don't think it can't happen to the dollar. it happened to rome and england and the US is no different than any other empire throughout history.
flurec said:
Other than industrial, dental and jewelry I am completely baffled with the fascination with gold. Yes is is shiny, doesn't corrode, is malleable but why would you invest in something that produces nothing with the hope of finding a greater fool? Why gold? There is more in the ground. It is not magical.
you're right in the sense that gold doesn't have much value apart from being universally accepted as a currency. what gold has going for it is history, 5,000 years as money, scarcity and culture(china, india et al). instead of gold, you could just as easily have coke bottles, sea shells or salt - but we're talking about gold here. none of us are going to reinvent gold's place in history.
flurec said:
1) Why did we move away from gold?
In a modern financial world there is no need for currency to be backed by gold. For the most part people can freely trade in any currency (excluding Argentinians of course). Gold has to be stored, traced, secured etc. If you do not trust a countries currency why would you trust their gold deposits?
you don't trust a country's currency precisely because it is not tied or backed by something physical. the fact that nothing tangible backs it means that it can be debased, which means you lose purchasing power unless the amount of goods/services increases by a proportional amount to the increase in money supply. having gold deposits and actually backing your currency with gold are 2 different things.
flurec said:
Argentina can't even produce an accurate inflation number. If they backed the peso with gold what kind of games would they play. Look at what happened with Hugo messing with Venezuela's gold.
if they backed the peso with gold then it would be extremely difficult to generate inflation. as far as chavez goes, he took back control of his country's gold precisely because he knows the value is increasing and does not want other countries holding their gold reserves. if some kind of crisis were to occur, it would be that much more difficult to get the gold returned.
flurec said:
As long as the country will allow its taxes to be paid with its own currency that currency will have real value and be traded among the people. Try and send the IRS a brick of gold.
this same scenario can occur with a tangible backed currency and is in fact what the US had when the gold standard was in effect. you would not send the IRS a brick of gold. you would exchange it for its equivalent value in dollars and pay your taxes accordingly.
flurec said:
2) Is it because it seems, instinctively, that a fiat currency allows for more growth? The money supply grows to match up with the products and stuff that is being made in an economy. Credit allows many things and our world would be much worse off without it. Ask any farmer or entrepreneur how they would have started their business. Limited inflation is not a bad thing. It forces companies and individuals to do things with their money as opposed to hoarding it.
right. the problem is when money supply and inflation increase in amounts far greater than the rate of products/services or interest rates as is almost always the case, hence price inflation.
flurec said:
What if a bank had to come up with $300,000 of gold to back the mortgage they just gave you? What if every country had to accumulate more and more gold to back their currencies as their economies grow. Not gonna happen.
a bank would not need to accumulate gold necessarily in order to make a loan. the currency that it uses as its reserves would already be backed by gold when the currency was first created and introduced into the economy. banks would however be required to amass reserves that would be equal to the amount they loan out. fractional reserve banking would not be allowed as it is inflationary.
as far as countries go, they would only need partial backing. again, gold is not the perfect solution. the real power and abuse lies in who controls the
quantity of money.
flurec said:
3) What is FIAT money backed by? The government that issues it.
and what is the government backed by? just take a look at all the sovereign debt crises happening all around us.
flurec said:
4) Isn't there a difference between oil which is consumed, and gold which is traded, melted, but never consumed? No difference. They are both material things that are fungible. For cultural reasons gold has a "mystical" value that makes people crazy. Oil, I would argue, if taken away would affect our lives in a much more profound way than gold.
you are 100% correct. the most important commodity is oil. without relatively cheap energy modern society cannot exist. oil is not a monetary commodity however in the sense that it is not portable, not easily liquidated and does not possess the history and cultural value as gold.
flurec said:
Like gold there is more in the ground. The more people are willing to pay for it the more reserves that can be profitably extracted.
right again - just like oil, the higher the price goes, the more mining companies can invest to dig it up. try as they might however, there just isn't that much gold in the ground that is easily found. i believe the supply of world gold increases by about 3% annually. you must consider however that current and near future demand will far outstrip this small increase in supply. in short, you will have much more demand than you have supply. this won't last forever of course. that's why, when your dentist or mailman or taxi driver starts talking to you about the gold they purchased last week, that's the time for you to sell your gold and get into something else.