The LGBTQ+ community says president has turned back the clock

I do not believe in social engineering and never was in favor of inclusive language nor promoting of gender diversity in womans sports . What I object to is the defunding of organizations that help the most vulnerable of our society . If there is corruption weed it out but just to just dynamite it all is not a solution . The needy and most vulnerable who now make up 60 percent of the population need understanding and assistance as to get themselves back on their feet as to make Argentina great again
INADI was only serving political purposes and propaganda. I know first hand of abused women, mothers of children with special needs, family of people with serious mental disorders that were absolutely ignored when they went there for help. I have yet to find ONE person that got an actual reply and help. It just leaves you wonder if they are just " pour la gallerie "
IsINADI was only serving political purposes and propaganda. I know first hand of abused women, mothers of children with special needs, family of people with serious mental disorders that were absolutely ignored when they went there for help. I have yet to find ONE person that got an actual reply and help. It just leaves you wonder if they are just " pour la gallerie "
Inadi is just one organisation of 100s not recieving any government assistance now . Corruption must be weeded out but to dynamite it all is very damaging to the society
Inadi is just one organisation of 100s not recieving any government assistance now . Corruption must be weeded out but to dynamite it all is very damaging to the society
Definitely its not the way. People cannot stop eating or getting medication for a few months until they figure it out. Agreed.
Before politicizing this horrible crime and laying the blame on the president of the country, try paying attention to the news from every single year before his election. And all this is con plata.

If you want to politicize this, then you should first be prepared to answer why did the states money and employees on their payroll fail to stop these past and surprisingly poregular attacks for so many decades?

Perhaps you’d also like to clarify which laws have been changed by this government to have “turned back the clock”…
I never made this post so please direct your question to milhojas thank you
INADI was only serving political purposes and propaganda. I know first hand of abused women, mothers of children with special needs, family of people with serious mental disorders that were absolutely ignored when they went there for help. I have yet to find ONE person that got an actual reply and help. It just leaves you wonder if they are just " pour la gallerie "
It is exactly this. And its closure due to "no hay plata" only creates a convenient headline to be able to use for propaganda purposes, laying the blame for a murder and what ever act of violence or discrimination between private citizens at the feet of the politicians of the day.
People are quick to cry injustice without having any idea of the actual injustice they are alleging (and all too often, such an "injustice" does not even affect them personally).

We have seen this time and again. Suddenly when a politician that certain people don't like wins a vote, everything from the past gets swept under the carpet and all the social problems they see (and have seen for years, yet chosen to ignore or minimize) are suddenly all somehow worse than before and somehow that politicians fault. Poverty, homelessness, unemployment, violence, bigotry, cost of living, inflation, litter on the streets... even mosquitos.

The people who are crying out the loudest about INADI, politicising a crime remotely related to it, as with many of the above issues, remind me of this recent scene from the news... "unaffected" and "well-to-do" people violently ranting and raving about how bad life is for the "common" people, meanwhile the "common" people in the background are saying the exact opposite to the point where the ranter tells them to shut up and calls them a "facho" because the entire reality of the situation is not matching what they want to see to be able to justify their own self-centered political views.

It is growing tiresome and does absolutely nothing to stop the next homophobic attack (in fact, I'd argue this kind of discourse only makes it more likely to occur by mixing party politics with gender identity - with headlines such as this lumping the entire LGBTQ+ community together as being "anti-Milei" and "pro-INADI" in a context where the broader political discourse is already pushing people to the extremes...) just as it does nothing to prevent the next mosquito bite.
As of a couple of hours ago, it was revealed that upon investigating 50% of the soup kitchens that were declared and received givernment funds countrywide were non existent after a recent census. Where all those funds, supplies and groceries went, God only knows.


And as of a few minutes ago, turns out social movements who stand for the most vulnerable in society like Polo Obrero have been exposed as withholding food, paid for by the state, to poor people in communities that did not attend enough "protests" (ironically such protests were usually under the banner of not having enough basics like food while blaming certain politicians for said shortcomings...). Their affiliated soup kitchens, presumably those located outside of nordelta-esque barrios, were also extorting payments from people who depend on them to eat the food paid for by the state.

Well intentioned expats / foreigners would do well to understand how nefasto politics in Argentina is as is populism anywhere in Latin America - poverty is used as a political weapon, as is gender identity by so-called community organisations and movements who claim to be helping the very people they are harming. It has been this way for almost a century and only amplified in the past decades. It is this perverse power structure that is at the heart of all the noise today as for the first time its existence really is being threatened as marginalised people start to speak up with their own voices and votes without being forced to go through an intermediary who decides the conversation for them... The politically privileged in this clientelista society don't like this (e.g. those who owe their job and subsidised costs of living, as humble as they may be, to their political affiliations rather than their merit, not to mention their sponsors such as politicians, intermediaries, union leaders, highly protected business owners and micro-economies around these people and "their" money).

And as of a few minutes ago, turns out social movements who stand for the most vulnerable in society like Polo Obrero have been exposed as withholding food, paid for by the state, to poor people in communities that did not attend enough "protests" (ironically such protests were usually under the banner of not having enough basics like food while blaming certain politicians for said shortcomings...). Their affiliated soup kitchens, presumably those located outside of nordelta-esque barrios, were also extorting payments from people who depend on them to eat the food paid for by the state.

Well intentioned expats / foreigners would do well to understand how nefasto politics in Argentina is as is populism anywhere in Latin America - poverty is used as a political weapon, as is gender identity by so-called community organisations and movements who claim to be helping the very people they are harming. It has been this way for almost a century and only amplified in the past decades. It is this perverse power structure that is at the heart of all the noise today as for the first time its existence really is being threatened as marginalised people start to speak up with their own voices and votes without being forced to go through an intermediary who decides the conversation for them... The politically privileged in this clientelista society don't like this (e.g. those who owe their job and subsidised costs of living, as humble as they may be, to their political affiliations rather than their merit, not to mention their sponsors such as politicians, intermediaries, union leaders, highly protected business owners and micro-economies around these people and "their" money).
I’ve known of this for a long time. Back in 2018, my cleaner often had to cancel her visits to my place as she had to go to the marches otherwise she wouldn’t get paid her government help. Sad situation.
Imho the LGBTQ acceptance is mostly a BA city phenomena, in reality mostly circumscribed to a small number of neighborhoods ( Palermo, Recoleta, etc ) that was amplified by the media during the last decade, and promoted through political propaganda. The reality in the rest of the country little has changed in the last 30 years afaik. This crime does not surprise me, it is nothing new and honestly blaming it on the current administration is unfair. I, for one, don't think gender diversity respect is something you impose on people but it takes years of education, not propaganda. Same happens with racism. Forcing changes in the language, etc. means nothing. This is proof of it.
There are tons of gay people of every type in Mendoza, and no one has a problem with it. At least not to the point of setting them on fire or harming them in any other way.
There are tons of gay people of every type in Mendoza, and no one has a problem with it. At least not to the point of setting them on fire or harming them in any other way.
Indeed, there are lgbtq people all over the country, in general in the provinces they are not accepted, that does not mean they will get hurt. Also there are certain trades such as hair stylists and chefs where it is expected to count on a number or majority of lgbtq people. Touristic areas, such as some of the neighborhoods I mentioned are more tolerant / inclusive. Historically in some of the northern provinces they are discriminated and mugged / hurt when spotted.