The Newest Caste Member of Argentina’s Biggest Reality Show!


Jun 13, 2012
It is very disappointing to see that Milei has joined the caste of Argentina’s longest running tragicomic reality show, now running for 79 uninterrupted years. The show jumped the shark many years ago and became farcical, but there was some hope among fans that Milei would do what he was elected to do and cancel it rather than just assume the starring role. Whether the latest $Libra scandal was the result of greed, malice, incompetence or gullibility, it is a sad reflection on lost hope and a return to reality for the perennially disappointed fans of the Argentina network. $Libra could have been just one more random character in a bad episode, if it were not so closely related to the continuing ridiculous sub-plot of the manipulation of the manic-depressive Peso character and his side-kick Inflation, both of which should have written out of the show long ago. The tragedy is that if only Milei had followed the plot of his original trailer and swapped the Dollar into the leading role, all this could have been avoided and Argentina could now have at least started on the way to its sober redemption arc story and the series could have been reached a cathartic finale episode. I think I will switch channels over to the new USA reality show, at least it is faster paced and has more exciting plot twists.
While filming the latest episode with TN last night they apparently did 5 takes, and that was the best one... not a good sign. The producers are really struggling, maybe escalate the salacious romance with Karina?
While filming the latest episode with TN last night they apparently did 5 takes, and that was the best one... not a good sign. The producers are really struggling, maybe escalate the salacious romance with Karina?
You have to wonder why he wasn't occupied with Yuyito on St. Valentine's night? It's sad in every way.
It is very disappointing to see that Milei has joined the caste of Argentina’s ...

I see what you did there :)

The tragedy is that if only Milei had followed the plot of his original trailer and swapped the Dollar into the leading role, all this could have been avoided and Argentina could now have at least started on the way to its sober redemption arc story and the series could have been reached a cathartic finale episode. I think I will switch channels over to the new USA reality show, at least it is faster paced and has more exciting plot twists.

I'm not sure about swapping the Dollar into the leading role (though that's a campaign promise he was elected on, sure) but, omigod, this is so tiresome. And there is no relief in sight, if Milei goes, it's Villaruel, a thoroughly misadjusted member of society, or it's the Macris (with Santili and Vidal, for God's sake), and Cristina at the other end of the spectrum. Vaca Muerta is about to start spewing money, and this is what we've got :rolleyes:

Let us know if you find anything good on Netflix.