The Next 4 Years If Scioli Wins?


Apr 28, 2014
CFK's puppet. Looks like its a strong possibility of happening. Its not looking good. Or has Scioli been playing the long game - all the years of humiliation or being ignored by the K camp - waiting for his moment to suddenly grow a pair of balls to thrust into CFK's face. Nice mental image...

Perhaps its time to move to Chile...
Scioli's dilemma:
"I'm not going to be ignored Dan.."
"Chino" Carlos Zannini for VP ... his nick comes from his early membership in the Communist Maoist Group... :rolleyes:

"He considered himself a Maoist[sup][3][/sup][sup][4][/sup] and belonged to a Maoist group called the Communist Vanguard.[sup][5][/sup]

After the 1976 coup because of his membership in the Communist Vanguard, Zannini was arrested and held in the prison of La Plata for four years
Do you want to know how the country will look like if Scioli is President? Well, take a ride down ruta 3 or have a walk down Lanus Oeste. I even considered voting Macri before Scioli.
One hopes that the Argentine electorate have more sense than to vote for more of the same bullsh*t.
One hopes that the Argentine electorate have more sense than to vote for more of the same bullsh*t.

Scioli falls into the "moderate Republican" category, but the Cámpora fundamentalists consider him a PINO.
I believe Scioli is a little bit of a "closet free marketer".If he wins,I think that he will slowly come out of that closet and gradually move toward a freer market .Argentina has always been about 15 -20 years behind the rest of the world and will contnue to be so.
Do you want to know how the country will look like if Scioli is President? Well, take a ride down ruta 3 or have a walk down Lanus Oeste. I even considered voting Macri before Scioli.

You need money to run the Bs As State. In this fight between Scioli and the President, they didn't allow him to do his job properly.
Macri just took loans, the debt grew about 1000%.