The Next 4 Years If Scioli Wins?

Actually Argentina has a disastrous history of vice-presidents, starting at the end of the 19th century. There was an article in a paper recently, but I can not remember all the details. In 1952, Gral Peron selected Mr Quijano as vice, the most imbecile of all politicians at the time, on the assumption that this will prevent him from being removed from office legally and leaving an idiot in his place.
In 1973, Campora was elected in a joint formula with Gral Peron, and almost ended up with a civil war.
Even more recently, De La Rua was abandoned by it vice-president and his administration collapsed afterwards. And lets not talk about Boudou, held by his skin by this administration!
Why do you say that Quijano was 'the most imbecile of all politicians'?
Actually Argentina has a disastrous history of vice-presidents, starting at the end of the 19th century. There was an article in a paper recently, but I can not remember all the details. In 1952, Gral Peron selected Mr Quijano as vice, the most imbecile of all politicians at the time, on the assumption that this will prevent him from being removed from office legally and leaving an idiot in his place.
In 1973, Campora was elected in a joint formula with Gral Peron, and almost ended up with a civil war.
Even more recently, De La Rua was abandoned by it vice-president and his administration collapsed afterwards. And lets not talk about Boudou, held by his skin by this administration!

Forgot..... Mi voto es no positivo...!! hahahaha Cobos VP of CFK
In fact, the electorade has a lot of good sense. We were importing oil, now we are producing it, we have new trains, the reserves didn't crash, not paying to the vulpures was the right desicion, there was no default, people has jobs, or social plans. This administration sent to hell the IMF and we stop beibg Greece.
WTF are you talking about?

I would like to add a little of reality. The oil industry is a shameful speck of what it could and should be. Given the geological information I understand Argentina is sitting on oil as large if not larger than Brazil. But because of unfriendly company policies, not the least the fear for any outside investor stemming from the national takeover of the Spanish Oil company the Argentinian oil industry is disgrace and only a speck of what it could be. The new trains you talk about are second hand used trains from China and Chile. Yes this has saved money but also has killed a lot of people. Remember the Once crash. One great thing about being a pariah state for international money lenders is that it has forced Argentina not to borrow. In many ways it is like a company that has gone through a bankruptcy ending up with a much better balance sheet at the end of the day.

Having sad that I think Argentina has tremendous upside "potential". Given its natural and as yet very underdeveloped natural resources along with a low debt it has the ability with sane pro business policy's to become an economic miracle. Fine tuning of policy and a respect for the entrepreneurial and business class could see an incredible change for the better. Following the failed economic policies of countries like Venezuela will only doom Argentinians to decades more of falling living standards. This is my only my humble opinion.
Having sad that I think Argentina has tremendous upside "potential". Given its natural and as yet very underdeveloped natural resources along with a low debt it has the ability with sane pro business policy's to become an economic miracle. Fine tuning of policy and a respect for the entrepreneurial and business class could see an incredible change for the better. Following the failed economic policies of countries like Venezuela will only doom Argentinians to decades more of falling living standards. This is my only my humble opinion.
I believe the second option is a lot more likely to come true.
ARbound What about another Harper? i would be interested in an onsite opinion.

My personal politics are opposite of Harper's, and I think he's a fearmongering failed leader so the sooner he's gone the better.

I believe Canada should have term limits for PMs, even if it was someone I like or am okay with.
Expecting the worst from any country's political class is usually the safe bet.
Actually Argentina has a disastrous history of vice-presidents, starting at the end of the 19th century. There was an article in a paper recently, but I can not remember all the details. In 1952, Gral Peron selected Mr Quijano as vice, the most imbecile of all politicians at the time, on the assumption that this will prevent him from being removed from office legally and leaving an idiot in his place.
In 1973, Campora was elected in a joint formula with Gral Peron, and almost ended up with a civil war.
Even more recently, De La Rua was abandoned by it vice-president and his administration collapsed afterwards. And lets not talk about Boudou, held by his skin by this administration!

Campora did not go with Peron as. a Vice.
There were already a civil war since Peron was couped. It was just more intense to force the military to give up the proscription of Peronism.
Also there were extreme left revolutionaries infiltrated who were trained in Cuba.

FYI the real disaster were Presidents. Only Peron (first 2 presidencies) and the K did well. Some might say Menem too.

The main issue were coups since 1930.

Illia was good too but couped.
I would like to add a little of reality. The oil industry is a shameful speck of what it could and should be. Given the geological information I understand Argentina is sitting on oil as large if not larger than Brazil. But because of unfriendly company policies, not the least the fear for any outside investor stemming from the national takeover of the Spanish Oil company the Argentinian oil industry is disgrace and only a speck of what it could be.

Right, when there were friendly policies, they didn´t explore neither invest one dime for 10 years. They used to import oild 5 billion usd deficit because it was more profitable to them. So, nice reality you “add”.
By the way, Vaca Muerta was discovered in 1931:

The new trains you talk about are second hand used trains from China and Chile. Yes this has saved money but also has killed a lot of people. Remember the Once crash. One great thing about being a pariah state for international money lenders is that it has forced Argentina not to borrow.
Hellouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Macri bought used trains and they don`t fit:
The crash at Once happened with very old trains and seems it was intentional .
However, this triggered the both of new trains in China with a soft loan:

So, WTF are you talking about?

Following the failed economic policies of countries like Venezuela will only doom Argentinians to decades more of falling living standards. This is my only my humble opinion.
Argentina has nothing in common with Venezuela, they have oil, they don`t have industry and they have to import everything.
We have national industry and we are starting to have oil again.
Venezuela is boycotted by the US, so, it is not a good example of policies that doesn`t work out.